The Strange Man in Green

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Mario, Peach, and Tippi got on the stage. As they were reunited with Violet; the red clad plumber, the rainbow butterfly pixl, and the mushroom princess saw the Darkness.

"Is that the Void?!" Peach asked, gasping.

"While it does look like the Void, it is not the same thing," Tippi informed, sounding awed.

"Then what is it?" Mario questioned, in awe.

"The Darkness..." Violet whispered as Paul approached Timmy.

"Time for the new Chosen One to light the Darkness!" He told the pink hated boy.

Timmy responded, "But, but... I don't know how to play guitar!"

'And I sure wish Marty would've taught me before I left 1986,' Timmy thought.

Gene came over to replied, "Timmy, don't play it...feel it."

Timmy looked over to his fairies, Mario, Peach, Violet, Tippi, and the fairy guardians. Each one of them gave the pink hated boy a thumb up as Timmy looked down at the guitar. Timmy close his eyes for a split second as he opened them and started to play.

His hands started to glow a white aura as he told everyone, "I...I feel it!"

Timmy kept playing and the audience started to cheer. The wand glowed a white aura and a white fire came from the guitar and blasted the Darkness.

His fairies cheered, "Keep rocking Chosen One!"

That's when Timmy started to lick the guitar silly.

Peach was grossed out as she commented, "Okay, that seems a bit too far."

Tippi said, flapping her wings, "Sure does..."

Paul shook his head and stated, "No, it is not!"

Gene seemed surprised and mumbled, "Dude, that's a long tongue."

The white fire came from the guitar again as it blasted the Darkness yet again. The Darkness then glowed a white light.

Mario gasped, "It's working?!"

Violet gushed, "It's working!"

The Darkness sucked in the Eliminators and retreating, freeing the planets it had eaten as well as Fairy World. Jorgen was also released as was Nacey, who somehow got captured as well.

A man in the audience said, "Awesome light show!"

At those words, the audience cheered.

Cosmo asked, "Is it over?"

Everyone waited patiently and their patience was rewarded as the stars in the sky came back.

Timmy answered, "Now, it's over."

Thus, Timmy played a few notes on the guitar.

Mario turned to Violet and asked, "So, where are we anyhow?"

Violet answered, after a long pause, "The upper world."

The red clad plumber looked surprised as Peach gasped.

"Whoa..." She gasped.

Tippi looked at Violet and asked, "And we were summoned here for what reason?"

"I don't know, honestly," Violet stated, with a shrug as Timmy came over to her. "But I want you to meet my friend, Timmy Turner."

Timmy bowed to them as Paul and Gene stated, in unison, "We should like party."


The next thing anyone knew, they were all in Fairy World. They were rocking out to Kiss, having fun.

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