Bumps along the way...

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Thank you guys so much for 10.6k views!!!! I can't believe this is happening, I can't wait to watch this story grow even more! Thanks again, here's the new chapter!

I slowly turned around and my heart dropped to my stomach. All my words were stuck in my throat. I saw Jake and all the memories flooded my brain. Did he know about the baby? My bump was still small, but it did look like I put on some weight. "Hey Jake." I managed to choke out. How did he even get in here? I turned around and saw my whole family was watching us from the living room. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen, the smell of food making me hungry. I walked over to the bacon and grabbed a slice. I turned around to face Jake as I started nibbling on it. "Why are you here?" I asked Jake, in between bites of bacon. "I heard you were sick. I came to see you." He says, looking me up and down. I knew he could see something was off. "Well, I'm fine. See?" I say staring at him. "So why don't you tell me why you're really here?" I say. "I'm not aloud to tell you. And you don't need to know anyway. Where is Dr. Carlisle?" He asks, his eyes looking dark and sad. "My father is in the living room." I say as I watch him turn around and head towards the living room.

As soon as he left the room, I pulled out my phone and went to my contacts. I clicked on Edward's name and waited while it rang. All of a sudden, upstairs I heard a phone ring. I ran upstairs and into our room. It was empty, and Edward's phone sat on the bed. I hung up and grabbed Edward's phone. I walked downstairs and heard Jake. "He asked to cross the treaty line last night. He wanted to get away. He wouldn't say from what. But, he said don't tell Bella. He said he was headed to Arizona." My heart dropped to my stomach. Edward, gone. He left me. I grabbed my car keys and stormed outside. I hopped in my car and starting backing up when I saw Rose and Jake standing by the front door. "Bella, wait!" They both say, running towards the car. But, I sped off down the driveway.

I felt like I'd been driving for hours. My eyes were starting to droop. Only two more hours, I kept telling myself. I could feel the baby moving."I know, I miss him too." I say, rubbing one hand over my belly. I watched as road signs passed by. I tried to read them, but my vision was getting fuzzy. I was really tired. I think I'll just close my eyes for one second.

I woke up the smell of smoke was strong. I tried opening my eyes. I barely cracked the open, when I felt the sharp pain twisting through my body. I let out a scream. "Ma'm. Ma'm, it's okay." I hear a man say, close to me. "What happened?" I barely made out those two words, everything hurting. "You fell asleep behind the wheel, and rolled into oncoming traffic and collided with a semi-truck. Lucky for you, he saw you coming so it wasn't a full impact. It looks like you may have broken a rib and a few bones." He says, as I spoke. "Is my baby alright?" I asked, looking at the man. "There was no child in the car, Ma'm." He says, confused. "No, I'm pregnant." I say as his eyes widened. "I have a 634. Woman with child. We need an EMT stat!" He yells at the intercom attached to his shirt.

"Bella!" I hear a familiar call and look around. Jake... and Edward. "Edward!" I tried to yell, while slowly sitting up. "Ma'm please don't move until EMT arrives." The officer says, as Edward ran towards me. "Oh my god, Bella!" He says, getting down beside me. "Bella, what were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed." Edward says holding my hand and stroking my face. "I... I went to look for you. Jake... Jake where is he?" I asked looking around, finally spotting him headed towards me. "He said you ask to cross the treaty line. He said you were headed towards Arizona. So I got in my car and left. But, I was getting tired and I.. must have drifted off and..." I was saying when Edward interrupted. "Don't speak. It's okay. Save your voice." He says, still stroking my cheek. I saw Jake. "Bells! What happened? Rose and I searched everywhere for you." He says, walking towards me. I heard Edward growl. I was about to say something when a group of EMT's lifted me onto a gurney. My body was writhing in pain on the most awkward ride to the hospital.

My whole family was waiting at the hospital. And only two people were allowed in the room with me. I wanted Edward to be in there, but he insisted it be Mom and Dad. They did scans and tests, making sure not to hurt the baby. Then a nurse came in. "I'm here to do an ultrasound, to check on the baby. This gel will feel a little cold." She says as she puts the gel on my abdomen. She looks at the screen, and I hear a faint heartbeat. "Ma'm, I am so sorry. It looks like you were pregnant with twins, but in the wreck, one baby didn't make it." The moment she said those words, my heart dropped to my stomach. "Do you want to know the gender of the baby? The other child is perfectly fine." She says as my heart slowly feels better. "No, just of the baby I lost... please." I say my voice cracked. "God has now gained a beautiful baby girl." The woman said, as I finally couldn't hold back the tears. They started to fall down my face. "Do you want to know the gender of the healthy baby?" She asks, as I look at her. "No... thank you." I blubbered out, as mom and dad came over and comforted me.

They finished running the tests and reviewing the tests. "Everything looks great, just a minor ankle break and I recommend you stay off your feet for the next few days." She says, as I walk to the wheelchair in the corner of the room and sit down. My face wet and red from the tears. Dad starts pushing me down the hallway towards the waiting room. The moment we walked through the doors, my family rushed towards me. And Jake. "Are you okay?" "Oh my gosh, Bella!" "You are never leaving the house ever again." "We'll go get the car." The all say, as the walk out the automatic doors. It was just Jake, and Edward. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Jake says, as I look up at him. "I... uh... I don't... I don't know." I blubbered out, the tears flooding my eyes again. "Bella, what's wrong?" Jake said, squatting down next to my wheelchair. "I lost a baby. I was supposed to have twins and I lost a baby. In the accident, it's all my fault. I killed an innocent child." I said, blubbering like a fool. Jake stared at me, dumbfounded. I stared at him, then looked back at Edward. I knew he heard the conversation, but he was staring out the window.

After I was situated in the car, everyone else got in. I sat in the middle, watching the towns pass by. Everyone was talking with one another, but I sat there in silence. I was tucked in between Rose and Edward. Rose was talking to Emmett, Alice to Jasper and Jake, and Mom was talking to Dad. Edward sat silent next to me, not holding me or my hand. I sat there with my hands on my stomach. At least my baby boy, or I at least assumed was a boy, was okay. I didn't want to know the gender because I wanted to be surprised. We reached the familiar woods, and the dirt driveway that lead to home. We reached the house and Rose helped me out of the car. My abdomen larger than yesterday. We got inside and Rose set me up in the living room, giving me ice for my ankle. I watched Edward pace back and forth across the house. Jake laid on the couch, snoring like a lawnmower. Rose was making me lunch. Emmett was watching football. Alice reading a book, next to Jasper who was also watching football. Father was doing work, and mother was picking flowers. The atmosphere felt normal, but I didn't. I wanted to cuddle into Edward. I went to call his name, but he was gone. What am I going to do? Is Edward leaving me? I sat there pondering on the couch, but I finally fell asleep. Maybe I will wake up and everything will be normal. Maybe...

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