Chapter eight

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You can always use me, besides you've weakened because of our thirst. Luncine chimed in. I agreed with her I could feel her pushing her through, and I let her. I climbed down the house and ran through the forest. I sniffed the air and I smelled a deer. Lunging at the deer I sank my fangs in the deers flesh and sucked the life out of the deer. Licking the blood off my lips with satisfaction. I built a little tree house with my supernatural speed. The tree house was rustic and dirty but I didn't care. I didn't feel like going back to the house, I didn't want to see our mate even if I wanted comfort from him. I didn't want to speak to him. I need spaces. I curled up in the tree house. My eyelids shut close and a stray tear slid down my already tear stained cheeks. I let sleep takeover me.

End of recap

I pulled the soft blanket over me and cuddle it inhaling my mates intoxicating scent. My eyes shot open realizing I'm not in the house. I have a random blanket from my mate.

See he does still care. My wolf chirped. I mentally rolled my eyes. I got up from the hard wood and my body ached. I saw a tray with food on it with a note. The tray had bacon, eggs, hash browns, and toast. I picked up the note and it read:

I'm sorry beautiful. I didn't mean to reject you in that way. I wouldn't be able to control myself. I would have taken you and marked you right there. You where still hurt, I couldn't do that to you. Please understand my love. Come back to the house when your ready ;)
Sincerely, Micheal

I held the note to my heart. He cares about me. He wouldn't take me because he didn't want to hurt me. I finished the breakfast and picked it up and started walking back to our house. I grabbed the cold doorknob and open the door. No one was there. I headed up stairs to Michael office. I needed to apologize to him. I overreacted. Once I got to the big brown door. I took a big breathe. My hand was going for the door knob when I pulled away. My guts told me not to go in. I had to. I took another breath and grabbed the door knob and opened it. Micheal was doing his regular paperwork with his black glasses on. He had black circles underneath his eyes. His hair was everywhere. He looked up from his paper and dropped his paper. He got up from his chair and gave me a big hug. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. I breathed in his scent.

"I'm glad you decided to come back to the house. I thought you where still mad at me. I'm so sorry my little mate." He sighed. I just hummed. He pulled away.

"How are you wounds?" He asked with concern.

"They are okay, they throb. I think I ripped the one on my stomach." I lifted up my shirt and Micheal gasped.

"Is it that bad?" I looked at my stomach and winced. Part of the stitches I had where opened. There was blood on my shirt and it was smeared everywhere. It was oozing with blood.

"It must have reopened when I shifted. I didn't notice it. It never hurt." I explained

That's because you were to busy crying to pay attention to the pain. Nina sneered.

"Come sit down on the couch. I'll call doctor Kevin." He picked up the phone and started dialling a number.

"No. That won't be necessary." I tried to get up but he came over and slowly pushed me down back onto the couch.

"Hello doctor Kevin?"

"Could you come to house? Lydia spit open her wound again." I heard a shuffle of movement on the other end. Then Micheal hung up the phone. He sat beside me and placed his hand on my thigh. He made small circles that shot sparks throughout my body every time.

"You didn't have to call Doctor Kevin. Im fine." I reassured him. He let out a soft chuckle.

"No your not fine. Doctor Kevin should be here any minute." As soon as he said that the door burst open and there was a very flustered Kevin.

"Sorry Alpa I got here as soon as I could." He came over to me and laid me down on the couch. He lifted my shirt up that exposed my bloody wound. He brought out a needle that made me panic. I hate needles. Please take that away from me. Micheal grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly. There was a pinch in my stomach then a tingling sensation went throughout my stomach. After a minute  I couldn't feel my stomach. He sewed my wound and gave me me some pain killers.

"Take these twice a day." He said he looked down at his clipboard and frowned.

"Alpha could I speak to you?" He asked. Micheal nodded and they left the room. I used my incredible hearing skills and pricked my ears to hear what they where saying. I only got mumbles. Damn he must have werewolf sound proof these walls.

Probably for when he gets his mate to scream his name at night. Luncine hinted. I gaged.

Your disgusting. I shrivelled my face up in disgust.

You know it's true. I bet he's big in be- I cut her off in my mind and shivered. What if he was big in bed? I shook my mind from my dirty thoughts. Micheal and Kevin walked back into the room. Micheal looked uncomfortable and Kevin looked worried. Micheal coughed.

"Since you found your mate. You will be going heat soon. Once it's a full moon you will go into heat. The only way you can subside the pain is by the mates touch. Your wolf will be wanted you to mate and mark with Micheal. You will go through horrible pain and they only way you can get rid of it is to mate or sleep and doing only a little bit of sexual inter course. You might bleed and-" I cut him off.

"I think I know how it works. I don't need another teaching session. Thank you very much." Kevin nodded. I said my thanks to him and me and Micheal where left alone in the room.

"I have to do some more paperwork. Why dont you go take a nap or eat something? It's been a while since you ate." He suggested. I nodded. It's been about three hours since I last ate. I went downstairs and saw there was grilled cheeses on a plate waiting for me to eat them. I took one and Hummed. Best grilled cheese I've had in a while. I'm going to go have to talk to Evelyn. She makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches. I sat on the couch and put on RiverDale. Since I got a little bored with the suspense of who A was in pretty little lairs. I curled up on the couch and I didn't even notice when my eyelids closed but I fell into a little cat nap.


An excruciating pain shot through my stomach. I let out a blood hurling scream. I clutch my stomach. Tears where falling to the couch. Micheal rushed to me and asked me questions.

"It-it h-hur-hurts. H-he-help me." I gulped. I had a huge lump in my throat. I clutched my stomach. Another wave hit me and I screamed. Micheal put his hand on my shoulder which relieved the pain for a while until it hit me again. I bit my lip to stop screaming. My lip was bloody.

"W-what's h-happening to me?" I clenched my teeth. I was going through so much pain. Micheal looked at me with pain, every Mate hates seeing their S.O in pain. They would do anything to help them.

"Lydia. Your in heat."


Next chapter is mature! Beware. You do not have to read it if you don't want to. Tomorrow's my birthday!

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