Chapter twenty one

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The summers almost over 😪
Same with this book. 😭


Lydia's POV

Sirens ringing through my ears. Lights flashing above me. Voices calling out my name. I didn't know which to focus on. Everything around me was blurred. 

"Lydia! Lydia! You need to push now!" I heard the nurse scream my name. I felt a surge of energy flow through my body. I pushed as hard as I could and a scream erupted from my mouth. My body was throbbing going slightly numb. 

Baby cries rang through the room, making all the drowsiness go away slightly. I focused on my child. Happy tears welling up in my eyes. My child was covered in blood. The nurse took my baby away and washed my baby. I breathed heavily. Growls and screams filled the hallway making me feel sorrowful, for the lives lost. The nurse walked up to me with a huge grin. I anxiously stared a her waiting for the gender of my precious child. 

"Its a girl." She said handing my baby girl to me. I smiled and sobbed happily. My baby girls big blue eyes starred up at me, than started to cry. I pulled off the top of my gown and started to breast feed my baby. She began sucking and her eyelids closed slowly.

"She's 6lbs, very small, she was born prematurely." I nodded and smiled down at my daughter. 

"WHERE IS SHE?!?" A males voice shouted out in the hallway. I know that voice. The voice that was music to my ears when he's not mad. I tired to move but my legs and my body throbbed. i set my head back and sighed. I began to feel drowsy more. The doors burst open and a tall male figure stood there. 

"Micheal." I breathed before falling into unconsciousness. 


Fireworks. I always loved fireworks as a kid. The colours were magnificent. The noise always scared me. They were lovely. Imagine feeling fireworks on your skin. It wasn't painful, it was more.. delightful. I felt like I was in an eternal bliss. Sparks and tingles throughout my whole body. 

You know how in movies there eyes flutter open. Like a sleeping beauty when the prince wakes her up with true loves kiss. I did not have a princess fluttery eyes that woke up pretty, they shot open. Like shot open like when you have nightmares and you wake up sweating. My body was drenched in sweat. the gown was now dark blue now, no longer a light baby blue. I found myself in a soft bed that had a brown, black, and white designs. The room was coloured beige. the curtains were a creamy white. I felt as if I recognized the room. The scent was my mates and I immediately remembered the past few events that happened. I got kidnapped, Michael found me, and my daughter was bor-

Wheres my daughter?!?

I began to panic. I rushed out of the bed until my legs collapsed beneath me. I fell to the ground creating a huge thump. I shakily pulled my body off of the ground. My legs were skin and bone. i was horrified with my legs, and the thought of what the rest of my body looked liked was making me shiver. 

 How long was I sleeping?

Obivously long enough for me to loose all my natural fat, and making me look anorexic. I tried hauling myself back onto the bed but I was to weak and fragile. Loud footsteps came running towards my door as the door bursts open. My handsome mate was standing there with disbelief. His eyes were red and puffy, with the lack of sleep I assume. He rushed over to me engulfing me in a big hug along with sniffles and sobs coming from both of us. I missed him. I missed his contagious smile. His deep laugh that was music to my ears. His intoxicating smell. his everything. He pulled away and cupped my face, kissing me compassionately along with tongue movements. The taste of him in my mouth made my tastebuds go crazy. he pulled away and kissed my forehead. 

"I missed you terribly." He looked down in pain and guilt. "I..I um thought I would never see you again." He sobbed. I held his head in my chest and comforted him whilst i sobbed into his hair. we held each other for a couple minutes. Just taking in both of our company. He pulled away and smiled. 

"You need a bath." He said sheepishly. My cheeks went red with embarrassment. Knowing I smelt awful. I sniffed my armpits and scrunched my face up in disgust. I nodded. He scooped me up and carried me bridal style. He placed me down on the toilet and ran the water until it was the perfect temperature for me. I got undressed in front of him not even thinking about what this could do to both of us. He stared at me intently and his eyes went black until he shook his head and smiled. I smirked knowing what he was thinking of. I look at myself in the mirror and was disgusted with the result. I was skin and bone. My shoulders were sticking out, you could see every bone outline on my face. I looked ugly. 

Micheal came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my mark making me moan in pleasure. Sucking on my sweet spot. 

"Dont think like that baby girl. Your beautiful. Your my baby girl, and I love you. I always have, I always will." he mumbled beneath the peppering kisses on my neck. The vibrations of his voice against my mark made me go crazy, almost as if he was trying to tease me. I smiled at the sincereness in his voice.

"I love you too." I said. He helped me get into the tub. I relaxed and let the water soothe my dirty raw skin. 

"Wheres our daughter?" I asked my mate. 

"She is sleeping, its  seven o 'clock in the morning." He replied. I relaxed a bit more knowing my daughter was safe. My mind wandered to what we should name our daughter. 

"Micheal. What do you think about Bronwyn for our baby girl?" I asked. His face brightened up and he had a hug grin on his face. 

"I love that name." he leaned over the tub and kissed my forehead. he pulled away and his eyes went grey then returned back to normal. meaning he was being mind linked by someone. 

"I need to deal with pack business, I'll be back in five minutes." He got up and went out the door leaving me in peace and quite. Feeling sleepy even though I woke up a couple minutes ago. I kept my eyes open wanting to wait for Michael to come back. The door opened and Micheal sat down beside me and kisses my forehead once again. 

"Do you need help washing your hair?" He asked. I shook my head no. I squirted some shampoo into my boney hands and scrubbed my scalp. It felt nice to get all the dirt and grease from my hair out. I rinsed it off and Micheal helped me out of the bathtub. I dried myself with a fresh towel and wobbled almost falling before strong arms caught me. 

"We will need to get your strength back since you slept for about four weeks." He explained. My eyes widened. 

Four weeks? I was out that long. No wonder I haven't heard from Nina or  Lucine. 

Micheal scooped me up in bridal style and carried me to the bed setting me down. He walked over to the closet grabbing sweats that had the logo PINK on them and a loose fitting sweater. 

"Its a little bit chilly, since its winter so bundle up because our heater is broken." I looked out the window and saw snowflakes falling drifting in the sky. The trees had a light blanket of snow on them making the look beautiful. Winter is always beautiful to me. Pups where playing in the snow through snowballs at each other. Laughing and having fun. I smiled knowing that will be my baby in a couple years.

"I want to see Bronwyn." He nodded and went in the other room. He came back out with my little girl in his arms sleeping peacefully. I took her in my arms. She had a full head of hair now that had little ringlets all over. 

"Has she eaten yet today?" I asked already sounding like a overly protective mom. He shook his head no. I pulled out what was left of my breast and my Bronwyn woke up and immediately starting sucking. I rested my head on the pillows that were propped up for me. Micheal curled up beside me and I rested my head on his broad shoulder. 

What a crazy four months w'eve both had and yet here we are still in each others arms living happily. Watching our Bronwyn sleep peacefully. We would all soon drift asleep as one small thriving family. Dreaming sweet dreams. Waiting for the adventures and obstacles we have to face in the future. Before I fell into a deep sleep I whispered "I love you my angel." to my new born daughter.



i know its a sad time. tears so many tears. but there may be bonus chapters and an epilogue and a second book to this!!

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