Chapter fourteen

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"Leave her for the night. We will come back tomorrow Thyia." Spitting her name out like venom on the tip of my tongue. Storming out of the cells. I shifted into my black wolf and ran back to the kingdom. Ashton was waiting for me at the entrance.

"Good evening my king." He said and then bowed. I rolled my eyes.

"No need to be formal dude. We are best bros." I patted him on the pack.

"Okay dude." He chuckled. I went in the house and let the warm water of the shower take my worries away. Only one worry still remains. Lydia I miss you. Stepping out of the shower I looked in the fogged up the mirror. I was a mess. Black circles where under my eyes my hair was messed up. I sighed. I got into grey sweat pants. Crawling into bed. I took her pillow and inhaled her scent. Snuggling up to the pillow I fell into a troubled sleep.

End of recap

Lydia's POV

Cold hard floor was pressing hardly against my wet tear stained cheek. Chains burning into my skin like a constant burn of the hot water you get from a tap. My body craving his touch. It's been... I've lost count of how many days I've been stuck in this cold, damp, dark, cell. The jingles of keys brought me some hope. The smell of meat and potatoes filled my nose. Feeding time. I weakly pulled myself up so I was sitting. My legs where weak from the lack of nutrients. I only get one meal a day. So much for the we better keep you healthy rule. Same face. Same guard. Except this one was different. He had a cold glare on his face. Looking into his eyes it held pity, and sadness. Shoving the food tray underneath the cell door. My mouth watered at the look of the delicious food out in front of me.

"Cian has decided that you can stay in a guest room. Since you are carrying our machine. We will need the fetus healthy." He robotic tone coldly said.

"It's a baby." I quietly said. He gaze hardened on me. Burning into my skin. Feeling his eyes turn away from me and the keys jingled. I looked up in panic. No one opens my cell other than Cian. If anyone else does it usually for any other shot so my powers are useless. I scrabbled back into the corner. Put my head between my knees. Mumbling no over and over. Sobs escaped from my mouth. There breaking me. The guard crouched down to my level. I looked up at with with sadness. They know if I stay away from my mate I will soon die along with the fetus since I bare his mark on my neck. His mucky finger tilted my head making me stare into his green orbs.

"I watch you with sadness. I wish I could help you get out of here. But Cian has something important to me." He gaze softened. I furrowed my brow in confusion. This Something must be very important. His eyes where blurry as if he was about to break down any minute. I felt pity for this guard. He doesn't like this job. His breath hitched.

"I'm bounded to a girl that he was planning on using for his experiments." Bound. Bounding for vampires are like finding your mate for werewolves. But bounding is different. When you bound to someone they are your whole life line. Mates are just having a mark. Bound is when you both will share your thoughts. Bounding and mates are equal with love. They are both very powerful. If ones bound love or Mate dies, the one who suffers will most likely commit suicide, or go mad. I felt sad for him. His bounded one is being beaten everyday. I hear the girl scream three or more times a day, then after there are muffled Sobs. I wish I could do something, but here I am being broken, piece my piece being ripped off of me everyday. I'm wasting away. Maybe I wasn't going to live through this. I needed him. He was my light. I needed him to lead me out of the dark. Micheal. Please. My visions blurred and warm liquid flowed down my cheeks and landed on my lips. The salt of the tear made my lips more dry. Large footsteps made the guard scrambled up and I made it look as if I was eating. Cian. He smirked at me.

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