Chapter thirteen

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Thanks to everyone you has stuck around for the slow editing! I love you all so much!


I won't let her touch our baby or you! I growled back. The ginger smirked.
There was something about her aura. It was strong and powerful filled with anger. She looked about twenty. I let out a low growl and snarled at her. She rolled her green orbs and sighed. "Looks like we are taking it the hard way." In a snap of her fingers purple smoke appeared around them. It horrified me to see what was brought upon my eyes next. Pain. Sorrow. Anger. Hate. Resentment. My little fragile mate was gone. I promised my self I would protect her and she would never leave my side. It was all to fast. Emotions were running through my head. My limbs were frozen on the spot. I wanted to run after them. I came back to reality and shook my head. I tried to follow my mates sweet scent but there was no trace of them. I let out a painful, sorrowful howl. That witch took my mate.

She will die with no mercy.

End of recap

Lydia's POV

Darkness was all that welcomed me. A saw a figure in the distant of the black hole. I tried to move my feet but the wouldn't budge. Looking down my feet where being pulled down into the ground by a black sticky substance. Thrashing around I tried to call out for help. The figure turned to me. The aroma of that scent made my senses go crazy. It was my mate. I opened my mouth but no noise would come out. He walked up to me. His blue eyes were glazed over and dull. He looked right through me like a ghost. Turning my head around there was Cian standing there. He pointed his finger to my stomach. Micheal just stood there and then took out a knife and pointed it to my belly. I looked at him with pleading eyes and tried to beg him not to do it. Micheals eyes sparkled then where quickly glazed back over. Tears welled in my eyes. My mate was going to kill our baby. Micheal looked at me with his now silver eyes. Turning the knife around to point to his heart. Next thing that happened came to fast. He pierced himself in the heart. I screamed. Then they all disappeared into dust and I was left alone in the darkness once again. It felt so real but yet I knew it wasn't.

My heart was pounding in my ears. Sweat was dripping down my face. Breathing was smothered. Alone. Scared. What if they all disappear and I'm left alone in the darkness. Calm down Lydia Nina told me. I slowed my breath. But the knots in my stomach were still present. My hands still where shaking. I tired to mindlink Micheal but my head started to hurt. I sighed someone must have blocked off my mind links. Thyia probably did.

I wasn't on our mates bed. I slowly opened my eyes. The cold cement floor was what I was welcomed to. The silver chains where burning into my skin. A light switched on above me head. A door lock echoed through the room. Clunky footsteps walked closer to me. A shawdowy figure walked towards me.

"Hello princess." The voice echoed. I couldn't see him where he was standing.

"Come into the light." I warily said. The figure stepped into the light. Cian. I tired to read his mind but that was blocked off to. She blocked all of my powers. Fuck.

"Cian?" I asked shocked. He smirked.

"The one and only." He snickered and laughed evilly.

"I've always wanted you to be my queen." My childhood best friend was know wanting me as his queen. I felt disgusted. His hands trialled along my body. With every inch that he touched I felt like I need a shower. I felt dirty and disgusted. His hands made it to my shirt as he lifted it up. I let out a loud growl warning him to back off. He smirked up at me.

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