Chapter eighteen

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Guess who sucks at updating on time I DO.


Stopping dead in my tracks and I turned around to see a very angry Cian.

Oh fuck. Run.

I ran every step hurting like a bitch from the glass.

"Nina. Nina! NINA! I need you!" I screamed at her. I felt her stir from the back of my head and she forced her way out and I shifted painfully. Running aimlessly down a long hallway with Cian right on my tail. I was about half way down to the bottom and I saw a huge window. I took a leap, knowing very well I got miscarry my unborn child. I was about to jump right through the window until I felt a pinch in my butt. There was a needle in my butt with some type of formula. I didn't want to take any chances. I stopped at first but then I burst right through the glass window and falling down and hitting the ground with a snap of my paw.

Attempting to get up, which failed. Cian was already down here and leaned over to me and whispered "looks like your going to have the baby here

End of recap

Micheal POV

I woke up screaming. My hand was broken. They hurt her again. I growled. It's been four days since she's been gone. I have to find her. My princes. My baby girl. My queen. My rage was boiling up inside me again. Grabbing a piece of her clothing and inhaling her scent, calming me down. I sighed laying back in bed letting my thoughts wander wherever they please.

Lydia. Was bubbly, and cheerful. Each day was a new adventure for her. Always taking every chance. I created an image of me and her in a golden field. Our pup playing and bouncing around. Picking up our child and giving her a peck on the cheat. Giggling, our child ran off playing with butterflies. I turned to my beautiful mate, and kissing her softly. Holding her hand, the warmth of her hand in mine. So soft and perfectly fitting in mine. So dainty and small. Until that warmth disappeared. Blackness surrounded me, covering the beautiful field with dark soulless blackness. My mate, and my child disappeared along with the golden field leaving me alone.

A warm tear slid down my cheek. Alphas don't cry I reminded myself. If my Pack saw me crying, I'd be labeled as weak. I can't have that. I'm one of the strongest alphas in Canada, I will get my mate back. No one will stop me.

Anyone who gets in my way, will die with no mercy.


Unknown POV

Snap. The cracking of her paw broke. Cian whispered something I couldn't catch. That man disgusts me. He does my wishes but he is a very dirty man. I almost feel sorry for the poor female suffering this.

I headed down the cold cemented floors down to the chamber. Snarls and scratches came from the cells. I picked up the keys and opened a cell. A male was chained down to the floor. He looked up with sad eyes. I smirked. This is killing him. Once we get him out of the way everything will fall into place.

"Just let her go, I promise I won't give your location out." He pleaded. I Chuckled evilly.

"That's not how it works. I can't trust you after what you did." I spat.

He let his head hang down. He had nothing more to say. I know he wants his mate back, and his sister. I'm not letting either of them go until that damn fetus is born.

"You will get Lydia and your mate back as soon as we destroy and take the fetus power."


Short and chirpy chapter

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