First day

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Sherlock POV
I started walking from my room no.21 with John. He had been my best friend since I was 10 and now at 15 we were in the same dorm at baker boarding. We had been here for 3 days now and it seemed like a clean and well educated school. John had already met a girl named Mary who he clearly had feelings for and my brother Mycroft was always preoccupied with his boyfriend, Greg. Mycroft was 17 and a prefect in the higher part of school. I had been keen to get started in chemistry since the beginning of summer break. I needed some science to do. I mean I've had a lot of campus cases at my old school but I'm not sure whether this school will have fun problems to solve.
"Sherlock is that the room? A35"
He said pointing towards a green door on a long corridor.
"Well that's what the timetable says. Ugh we have English."
"That's not bad. At least it isn't PE"
Me and John had never been athletic except when his father makes him do football. John's father wasn't friendly at all. He was oppressive and violent which frustrated me as John was one of the most kind and wonderful people I know.
Outside the classroom were many other students, most of which were playing on their phones or already making new friends. Then it hit me. A short girl turned her head. She had chocolate coloured hair and a pale face with a small pink tint on her lips. She carried a purple rucksack and wore black converse, denim jeans with a stripy black and white top. I walked over and left John who was already with Mary.
"Hello. I'm Sherlock Holmes"
I said holding out my hand to greet her
She looked up at me and smiled
"Hi Sherlock. I'm Molly".

Classes and casesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora