10 years later.

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Sherlock's POV
"Show us Sherlock! " John excitedly screamed from the living room.
"Sherlock come on!" His fiancé , Mary joined.
"Alright alright I'm coming." I tiredly spoke back.
I straightened the suit that I had bought for their wedding. It was black with a white shirt and waistcoat.
I toddled out reluctantly.
They both looked at me with big smiles.
"What?" I replied with a big load of angst.
"You look lovely!" Mary ran to me and hugged me. I awkwardly stood there while she wrapped her arms around me.
"Um thank you." I replied.
"Sherlock, you look great! Ready for the wedding." John chimed in.
"Yeah. Ok. Um can I change now?" I asked.
"Go on then." Mary sighed.
I got back into my purple shirt, black trousers and long black coat.

"Right come on then gang. " Mary took John's hand and began to leave the room. Now it was just me standing in the silence of my lounge. I looked at the wall which was covered in cases. I looked at my chair, the one that still had a clean shine from the date of buying it. And finally I looked at a jacket.

A specific jacket. The doctor who jacket that Molly once wore. Not one day went by that I didn't think of her.

"Sherlock! Come on!" John shouted from downstairs.
"Coming." I shouted back with my eyes still sitting on the jacket.

I took it in my hand and admired the fabric.
"I love you my dear." I mumbled.

I turned up my coat collar and fixed my hair.
"The game is on." I mumbled.

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