Mistletoe madness

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Sherlock's POV
Mycroft and Greg stood next to each other watching the snow fall from outside. Greg was wearing the new football jersey that Mycroft had got him. And Mycroft wore the red silk shirt that Greg had bought him. Mycroft had his arm around Greg's waist and Greg's head was sitting on his shoulder. Mycroft's other hand was holding a cup of tea in a red and white mug. John came down the stairs at this point. His face covered in the pink lipstick Mary was wearing. MAC girl about town. To be specific. Molly also wore it.
"John....John....." I whispered as I tried to get his attention without my parents noticing the horny little school boy who was covered in the makeup of the girlfriend.
"Yep!" He turned his head towards me.
Mycroft turned his head and sniggered. "What?" John laughed out but was so naive about it all.
I turned my phone towards him and he saw his reflection in the camera.
"Crap" he whispered as he ran upstairs.
When I knew he had reached his room we heard a large laugh from Mary.
We heard a muffled conversation.
"Mary! Why didn't you tell me!"
"It's really....funny!" She squeezed out whilst laughing really hard. I smiled. I'm glad everyone was having a good time. After another chuckle from upstairs mum said
" they seem to be having a good time"
Mycroft chimed in
"A VERY good time" he chuckled. Greg prodded him in a the waist with his shoulder.
I went upstairs to see what the fuss was since everyone was taking ages to get ready.

The bathroom was at the top of the stairs and there seemed to be my 3 favourite people. 2 laughing and 1 smiling. John was sitting on the toilet with the seat down and Molly and Mary trying hard to get all the lipstick off without making his face red. Molly turned around and saw me, still laughing. Mary was taking more and more makeup wipes out and they were both continuously rubbing his face. When they thought they were finished John stood up and looked in the mirror. His face was still red but all the lipstick had gone.
"Thank god for that!"
"John it looks like you've had an allergic reaction" Mary honestly replied.
"That's your fault!"
"Fair enough" she simply answered. "Come on then let's get you in some smart clothes" Mary took John by the hand and dragged him out. Leaving just me and Molly sitting in the bathroom. Molly hadn't seen me in the clothes I had put on. She looked up at me and saw my purple silk shirt with black trousers and black shoes that she had got me.
"Well don't you look handsome!" She smiled and declared.
"Thank you Molly. You look very beautiful"
"I'm not dressed yet" she chuckled.
"I know" I walked out the bathroom to my bedroom. Molly walked behind me. As we both were in she closed the door and grabbed me by the collar to pull me in a large kiss. I was taken by surprise as would anyone but I soon got into the swing of things....if ya know what I mean. No neither do I.

Molly was putting on her makeup when Mycroft knocked on the door and said
"Mum says dinner is ready."
"Ok thanks" I shouted back at him. Molly finished up and turned to me
"How do I look?" She questioned carrying a large grin.
"Gorgeous" I kissed her on the forehead.
She blushed and stood up. She had a purple skater dress on with her black converse and her hair in side plaits. She also had a big black zip up hoodie. She picked purple so we were matching.

When we got downstairs, the table was filled with all sorts of food. Potatoes, vegetables, even this vegan meatloaf that my mum made for me and Molly. We all ate and drank together.

After our stomachs had been crammed with all sorts of traditional foods we sat down as a large group. Mum and dad were in a sofa next to each other, he had is arm around her shoulder. Mycroft was sat on the sofa with Greg at his feet. Me and Molly sat on the large blue armchair and finally John and Mary where on the sofa with Mycroft.

Molly was waiting for the doctor who special. She wasn't a fan of Peter Capaldi or his companions and even the writer STEVEN MOFFAT. I shivered at the name. He was a demon sent from the depths of hell to kill your favourite characters and break up your otps. Ugh every fangirls worst nightmare. Molly's favourite doctor was David Tennant. Obviously. She is obsessed with him and his doctor. What she doesn't know is that I have a secret up my sleeve for our big trip to San Diego.

After the doctor who episode had finished me and Molly went upstairs to watch previous doctor who episodes but not end of time because Molly cries every time they watch Ten's regeneration. We watched The Christmas invasion and the runaway bride. They were as good as I remembered. Watching Molly watch doctor who was amazing. She was so passionate and so into every step the characters took. It was pretty...well...fantastic!

My day had been filled with excitement and joy surrounded by family and my favourite girl. I could stay like this forever.

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