After English class

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Sherlock POV
English had just finished and things couldn't have gone better. Molly is so fantastic. She likes science, especially biology and she likes the same things as me, Science mostly. She is an only child and she is also 15.
Me and John were walking back to our dorm when he looked at me and said
"So Molly? Do you like her?"
I looked at him as if he had just punched someone in the face.
"How do you know her?"
"She's friends with Mary?"
John went red in the face as he said that name. Mary was friendly and had a great sense of humour. She had blonde curly hair and was short like John.
"So Mary? Do you like her?"
"Oi! This is about you not me"
"Well....she's kind and sweet like any normal human being. She is clever and has talent. But do I want her as my girlfriend?"
I hesitated "yes I think I do".
John's face lit up. I had never had a crush before so John was pretty happy.
"Ask her on a date"
"WHAT NO! She'll say no and I don't want that to happen"
John started laughing "Well if I find out if she likes you will you then ask her out?"
I walked away from John. I had History and he had Geography. I saw John smirk as he walked away. Maybe she did like me?

Johns POV
Sherlock having a crush. Wow that's new. Never thought he could capable of feeling that.
It was now break time and I was extremely bored throughout the whole of Geography. I saw Mary a few feet away. "Hello! How was art?"
Mary turned around and replied
"It was just fantastic" she said sarcastically.
"That bad?"
"Pretty much. Our teacher is pretty shit. How was Geography?"
"Just a load of graphs and maps. Ya know."
Mary giggled. Beautiful. Everything about her amazed me. I enjoyed her company. But I was itching to ask a question for Sherlock.
"So ya know your friend Molly?"
" I do know my friend Molly why?"
"Does she possibly have a crush on someone because I know someone who likes her".
"Do you mean Sherlock?"
"Yes how did you know?"
"She hasn't stopped talking about him"
"So she does like him?"
" I guess so"
Mary looked slightly relieved. "So um.... do you like anyone?" Mary murmured out.
"Maybe. But I don't think the feelings are returned."
"Well you never know?"
"Yeah. I never know. Anyway I gotta go. See ya later. Hudson lobby at 7?"
"Of course see ya there"
Mary smiled as she spoke. She raised her arms and pulled me into a warm hug. I laid my arms on her back. She was cuddly and smelt good. Mary walked away and I could feel myself smiling.

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