My purple bed

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Sherlock's POV
We had been at the house for roughly and hour and after chatting to my dad for a while I decided to show Mary and John to their room. I took Molly to ours and as we walk in she dropped her bags and looked up at all the trophies from my childhood.

I sat on my bed and looked at my girl whilst she gazed at my room and everything filling it. She looked over at me and smiled. She sat next to me on the bed and gave me a large kiss. She grabbed my collar and we started kissing more passionately. We stopped and she whispered into my ear
"Thank you Sherlock. I need to tell you something"
She pulled away and smiled
"I love you. I love you Sherlock Holmes"
I couldn't believe it. The girl of my dreams loves me. And I felt the same. I grinned at her and replied with
"Molly I love you too. And I want to be with you always"
God that was cheesy. Why did I say that.

Molly hugged me tight and I could smell her vanilla perfume. We started to kiss again when suddenly we were stopped by a large amount of panicked shouting.

"Sherlock! Molly! Help help!!"
We stood up and started sprinting to their room. We walked in to find John on the floor and completely knocked out.

I grabbed his head whilst Molly went to get my parents. Tears were streaming down Mary's face as she called out his name. I took John's head in my lap and started clicking to try and trigger him.
"John? John? Can you hear me? John?" I calmly said to my unconscious friend. I looked at Mary who was clearly panicking.
"Mary breath, I promise he will be ok".
Suddenly a line of blood trickled out of his mouth.

My mum and dad ran inside the room and Molly called an ambulance.
My dad checked his pulse and got out a wet flannel.

My dad spoke to Mary.
"Was he acting normal? Was he in pain? Has he been in a fight recently?"
Mary looked worried.
"He was normal but he was recently in a fight with a boy in our year. That's how he got that cut on his head."
"Did he only mention the cut?"
"Yes only the cut"
My dad hesitated but then replied with
"This may be a strange question but have any of you seen him topless since the fight?" We all looked confused.
"Quickly! Have any of you?!"
I looked at Mary and she muttered "no....we haven't why?"
"Unbutton his shirt. Do it now."
"But dad why-"
"Just do it"
Mary began to take his shirt off and there around his ribs was a dinner plate sized purple and blue bruise. Around it was a thick red line. Mary gasped and covered her mouth.
"Internal bleeding. He's got internal bleeding."
"Will he be ok?" I trembled.
"Possibly if he gets help fast."
We looked outside and saw an ambulance turn up. What is going to happen to my best friend.

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