Back at the dorms

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Sherlock's POV
I had a girlfriend. Molly was my girlfriend. My heart was beating so wide when I held her hand. We arrived at her dorm and I gave her a kiss and a hug.
"See you tomorrow"
"Bye Sherlly see ya tomorrow"
She winked and as I pulled say from our hug we looked to my left, her right. Mary and John were standing there with their mouths wide open. Mary screamed out "WHAT!" She had a huge smile on her face. Me and Molly looked at each other and giggled. Greg walked past right at this moment. He winked at me and grinned, still texting.
Mary ran over and hugged Molly completely leaving John who was so shocked with happiness. He walked over to me and we nodded and did a high five. Mary kissed John on the cheek and ran inside with Molly
"See you tomorrow"
"Bye" Molly said whilst smiling and closing the door.

Inside me and John could hear girly whispers and laughter. Girls are weird.
John looked at me and said
"Nice one. " he still had a wide grin on his face.
"Thank you. I'm pretty happy with it too"
We walked back to our dorm and I heard a ding from my phone. It was from Molly, my girlfriend. -Tomorrow breakfast with Mary and John? Double date. Xx-
I smiled at the thought of a date. With my girlfriend. -Sounds good to me. -
Me and John walked in and straight away I got into my boxers and white t shirt and fell fast asleep.

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