Hospital beds

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Sherlock's POV
We had been at hospital all night now. Greg and Mycroft were still at home. Mary has had tears the whole time and Molly has had to comfort her.

They said John's doing great. He has stopped bleeding and has started to recover.
"Mr Holmes?" The doctor greeted me.
"Yes. Hello. Is he ok?"
"He is doing fantastically. You are lucky to have such a brave friend" he looked over at Mary to try and comfort her. "He is ready for visitors if you want-"
"Really!" Mary jumped out of her seat and had so much joy in her face.
"He is still tired so go easy on him"
" I will" Mary ran into the room he was in.

When we entered John was sat upright watching a cooking show on the tv. He had a drip and an oxygen tube. He looked over at us and said
"This isn't good as the office" while motioning over to the tv. Mary laughed and ran to him. She gently hugged him and gave him a big kiss on the forehead.
"Are you ok? I worried so much!"
"I'm fine sweetie I promise"
They smiled and she sat beside him.
I walked up to John and greeted him too. "John. How are you?"
"I'm very good Sherlock thank you."
"Good." I went to walk out when Molly turned me back round.
"Molly? What are you doing?"
"You were worried sick about him, tell him that"
John and Mary chuckled and smirked.
"John. I was worried sick about you. Bye"
"Good enough". Molly smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

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