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It was nearing to the end of December now. Me and Molly had been dating 3 months now. We were great. She was great. Mary and John are still together and we've had many double dates. Today was the last day of winter term. Tomorrow everyone was going home for Christmas and I'm so excited because everyone is coming with me.

My mum and dad are so welcoming to all of mine and Mycroft's friends. Molly's parents are going to her dad's sisters for Christmas to Cornwall and Molly wanted to come to mine so they have allowed her to do so. John doesn't want to go back due to his father and they've said he can come to mine. Mary is an orphan and wanted to stay with John. And finally Greg is coming with Mycroft. My house was a lovely cottage. It had a spare bedroom for Mary and John to stay in. It had a wide fireplace and a large piano. It was surrounded by large fields and a long road that led to town centre. I was so excited for Christmas.

I finished up my last lesson which was music and I had agreed to meet Molly and Mary outside the drama department.
I kissed Molly and Mary went straight to her phone.
"John's on his way" Mary said whilst looking at her phone.
Molly and Mary told me about their drama lesson. It sounded interesting. John came round the corner from PE. He was covered in mud and sweat. He also had a bloody gash on his forehead.

As soon as Mary saw him her face dropped. Tears formed in her eyes as she trembled out
"What happ.....ened to you...."
she embraced him in a hug and kissed his forehead. We went back to my dorm to fix him up. It was Jim this horrible boy in our year. He hates us and is always trying to hurt us. I got out a first aid kit and let Molly help him as she was so good with cuts and scrapes. Mary sat next to him and held his hand. Molly cleaned his forehead.
John was brave so he didn't show his pain. Everything was silent in the room as we were worried about our friend. Molly placed sticky stitches on his cut.
"It doesn't look too bad. Just clean it from time to time. When it heals it will be at Sherlock's  house so I will be there to help."
"Ok thanks a lot Molly." John said.
"Yep this is why your my best friend."
Mary stood up and hugged her and me and John looked at each other and smiled.

The next morning
I woke up to the sound of John singing, well humming the office US theme tune. He was a fan of that show and so was Molly. I noticed Mary sitting on his bed in some soft red pyjama bottoms and a black t shirt with her hair up in a bun. She had no make up and was reading an article about the oscars in a magazine. I looked over at John who had some black jeans on but still wore his pyjama shirt. He was packing some clothes and underwear into a large navy duffel bag. He also had a smaller red bag that he was taking for the train journey to my house. I saw him slip in a charger and a large foam wallet containing his grey laptop.

As soon as I woke and started moving, the door opened and in came Molly with a suitcase and her black rucksack. She was wearing skinny black jeans with a red checked shirt and a large navy hoodie that had shrek ears on the front. She also had matching red converse to go with it. Her chocolate hair was in two plaits and her face was makeupless.
"Look who is finally awake" she said as she looked over at me in my bed. She took her shoes off and sat next to me in my black duvet. She laid her head on top of mine and had her hand on my face with the other on my arm. I put my head in her neck and faced towards the floor. Mary giggled and said
"Get a room!" Whilst throwing a pillow at us. John came and sat on his bed when Mary decided to sit on him.
"So what's the plan for today" John eagerly replied.
"I dunno" I murmured whilst facing Molly's shoulder.
"So does Mycroft know?" Molly hinted.
"Probably" I replied.
I got a ding from my phone and saw
-12.00 meet me and Greg with your friends at gates. MH-
I looked up from Molly's warm shoulder and said
"12.00 be ready. What is the time?"
"Ummm... 11.34"
Molly replied hesitantly.I jumped out of bed and immediately realised I was in my boxers. Molly looked up and smirked. I grabbed my blue t shirt and black baggy jeans. Mary and Molly quickly left to pack Mary's stuff. John was quickly getting all his shit and putting it into his bags. I was grabbing all the shirts I could and all the fresh underwear I found. I ran into our bathroom and packed my toiletries in a small navy wash bag. Once we were finished I looked at the time and saw it was 5.53. I put on my shoes, long black coat and blue scarf and ran out the door. As we were going down the stairs we picked up Molly and Mary who was barely dressed and we made it to the gates for 5.58. Greg and Mycroft were at a bench outside the gates.
"Little brother I'm not surprised you are nearly late" he said in his posh tone.
" I'm not surprised you are rubbing it in our faces" Molly quickly replied. Greg laughed and grabbed his football bag which had his things in and we started to walk. John and Mary held hands and I had my hand around Molly. We got to the train station to see our train was for 12.26. It was 12.15 so me and Molly grabbed some breakfast whilst Mycroft bought all the tickets. We got to the platform and I handed out some croissants to everyone.
"Thank ya. So are you going to tell Molly?" Mary sneakily whispered.
"Well no seeing as it's her Christmas present. Christmas is in 3 days so we will wait"
"It's a bloody good gift I'll tell you that."
"Thank you Mary"
The train pulled up and we all got in. The 4 of us sat on a 4 chaired section with a table. Mycroft and Greg sat behind in a 2 seated chair. The train started and my holiday had begun.

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