The eulogy for Molly.

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Sherlock's POV

2 weeks without Molly.

2 weeks preparing to say goodbye.

I can't do it. I have prepared a eulogy for her funeral.

Here I was in my suit and long black coat sitting next to her grave with a piece of paper that had my feelings for Molly on it. I twiddled it between my fingers. I glanced over at Ms Piper to spot a diamond ring. The first bit of sunshine in these past 2 weeks.
So here it is. I look over it and this is what I read.

When I think of Molly. I think of happiness. I think of love and I think of comfort. When I think about Molly not being with me I think of sorrow, pain, fear and emptiness. Molly was the reason I am here today. I can't tell you how many times she has saved my life.

When I think of beauty I think of Molly. When I think of joy, I think of Molly. Of course I will never see her again. And that hurts. But I have the memory of every second I spent with her. And that is now more valuable than ever. I know she would be proud of us. I know it. Because that is Molly. She is comforting. She is helpful. She is optimistic. She is home. She is home for me.

I have spent these past weeks trying to make everything make sense. It's what I do. But however I can't. I never will. Because she was the part of me that made sense. She was the part of me I needed.

I still think about my future. I think about what would happen if Molly was alive and we had a house together. We'd be married and have 3 children. Possibly a dog. We'd be happy together. But I know that she would still want me and everyone here to be happy. That's who she is.

I can't begin to explain how much she means to me. But I know you all feel it too. She was the light in our lives. And I will spend the rest of my life, wishing with every inch of my being to be with her again.

So Molly. I miss you. I will see you again. And Molly, I love you.

Well. I guess I'm ready.

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