The party

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Sherlock's POV
Today was Friday. The day of my party. For goodness sake. I hate attention and I hate my birthday. John was popular so he had invited many people. Many people. It was going to be held in Hudson Dorm which was annoying as I won't be able to sneak out if I get bored.

"Happy birthday!" John shouted as I slowly began to get up.
"Ugh. Thank you." I unenthusiastically replied.
"Cheer up! You are 16 yayyy!!!" John encouraged.
"Why yay?"
"Well you... oh! You are now legal!" John awkwardly hinted.
"To do what." I pushed knowing that it was making him uncomfortable.
"You know you bloody pleb." John grimaced.
"Yes I do." I laughed out.
"Yes very funny" John sarcastically replied.
John handed me a badly wrapped box with blue paper.
"What is this?" I questioned.
"A present" John smiled. I sighed and reluctantly opened it.
"" I sat with my mouth wide open.
"Like it?" John asked.
"I really do." I squeezed out while trying not to cry.
I pulled out a watch. A watch I had been wanting for a year. It was charcoal black and could not only tell the time but it had a built in torch and a digital map. Everything I needed for a good day of case cracking.
"Thank you John. Thank you very much." I stood up and shook his hand.
Mary and Molly walked in and Mary handed me a bag. She smiled.
"Morning guys." Mary greeted.
"Happy birthday Sherly!" Molly cheerily hugged me.
"Thank you." I hugged her back. She lent up and gave me a kiss.
"Open it!" Mary pushed.
"Oh umm ok?" I took the bag and reached inside to find a small item wrapped in purple tissue paper.
I ripped the tissue and found a little cologne for men.
"Thank you so much Mary." I fake smiled and gave her an awkward hug.
"It's David Beckham." She commented.
I let out a small chuckle and sat on my bed.
"You are going to LOVE my present."
"You got me a present?!" I replied but sounding really annoyed.
"Ha! That's the thing. It kind of is but kind of isn't. I got you 3 murder cases with Scotland Yard!!"
I couldn't believe it. I have been wanting to work with them for a while now. Holy cow omg I can't ah omg.
"What!" I shouted with a smile on my face.
I could feel the smile sneak across my body.
"I'm gonna cry" I told her.
I pulled her into a massive hug. And then sat down on my bed not knowing where to put my hands.
"When do I start?" I eagerly commented.
"Well it is the next time someone dies."
"God I hope death is fast." I replied with a large amount of naivety.
All 3 looked at me.
"You know what I mean"
"Okey dokey then. I'm going to get something." She looked at Mary with a smirk.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." She giggled.

Molly's POV. Earlier that morning.
"So? Tonight." Mary nudged my shoulder.
"What?" I smirked back.
" know what that means?"
"Hmmmm? Explain it to me." I grinned knowing full well what she meant.
"Well ya know...umm....ya know?" Mary awkwardly stuttered out.
"Yes I know." I laughed giving her a break.
"You are 16. He is's all very legal." Mary laughed.
"I mean, I would say yes but I'm not so sure about Sherlock."
"He just seems uncomfortable."
"Well do you want me to find out?"
"OH MY GOD PLEASE NO!!" I screamed.
"Alright!.....calm your tits." Mary calmed.
I grabbed a razor and entered the bathroom.
"Ooooo I know what your doing" Mary teased.
"Ha very funny" I sarcastically responded.

When I came out with my newly smooth legs Mary was sat on her bed, scrolling through Pinterest on her laptop.
".......hi" Mary responded but extremely distracted while doing so.
"John said Sherlock liked the idea" Mary hinted.
"What? Wait what?! What idea?! And what did you ask John?" I replied with a large amount of panic.
"Sherlock thinks tonight will be special between you two" she replied while standing up, smiling and speedily clapping her hands.
"What?!" I replied with a large grin.
"Ahhhhhh" we screamed in unison.

Sherlock's POV
The party had started and it was actually pretty fun. We didn't do much but mainly just watched people get drunk, by we I mean me and Molly. We were sat in a corridor together chatting about random things. But it was special and she was special.
"So... um.....uh" I struggled some sort of sentence out. I put my hand on her thigh and gazed into her eyes.
"Do you umm... find somewhere private?" I questioned whilst literally feeling my brain leave my body.
"Sure." We stood up and she took my hand to guide me through the adolescence. I got a couple laddish shouts of happy birthday. Me and Molly got to her room where it was slightly quieter but we could still feel the beat of the music.
The rave lights crept under the door. She locked the door and turned around to look at me. It was dark but I could still make out where everything was. She walked up to me. I could feel the electricity pulling us towards each other. I didn't want to be anywhere else. Or with anyone else. I gently took her waist and began to kiss her. Of course she kissed back but instead of the usual routine, it became more eventful and more spontaneous. It was so relaxed and yet so exciting. The music swayed us together. Although we new all the people outside, it felt as if we were the only people on earth. What was this new and interesting feeling that waved over me. The night carried us into Saturday......

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