Neatly painted nails

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Sherlock's POV
I woke up with the sight of Molly resting on my chest. She was so peaceful and calm. Her auburn hair laid over my body and her neatly painted finger nails sat on my stomach. I didn't want to wake her but I had to go. This morning I had to go for a walk. I had to clear my head. I slowly lifted Molly off of me and I placed her on the space next to me. As I stood up I put my clothes on from the night before and I prepared myself for all of the sobering teenagers that lurk outside.

I took one last look at the sleeping biology princess and left a little note, explaining why I had left. I kissed her on the forehead and began to depart.

As soon as I stepped outside, the B.O. filled scent hit my nose and the thick mugginess of the corridor attacked me. I saw many passed out teenagers that were all starting to sit up. A couple were nudging each other to wake up. I also came across Mycroft who wasn't drunk but instead was helping Greg stumble across the floor that was covered with beer cans. We just nodded and carried on. As I turned the corner I heard a muffled sobering shout from Greg.
"....heyyy! Ittttsss Sssssherllock! Mycroft itssssss Sssshherrlock."

I ignored him and carried on. When I got back to my dorm Mary and John were laying in bed with John having half his body hanging off.
I slammed the door to wake them.
"MORNING!" I chucked.
They both flinched and looked rather pissed at me.
"HOW ARE YOU ALL THIS MORNING" I loudly announced deliberately trying to annoy them.
"Sherlock can you please be a little more quiet?" John muttered while waving his hand. Mary slowly burrowed her head under the sheets.
"NOT REALLY" I proceeded.
I freshened up a bit and took a step onto the snow scattered courtyard of the school. I listened to the sweet crackling of each snowflake underneath each step I took. I headed to the forest where there was a beautiful view of the lake. I spent several hours there. In the peace and calm.

The frosty air swam away from my mouth in big groups. I felt content. I felt soft and delicate.

But that didn't last for long.

"AH! Help me! Please stop!" A small voice carried through the trees.
"Shut up you shit bag!" A rougher voice screeched.

I stood up quickly and sprinted through the wildlife. The whole forest was still dark and the smoke and mist searched through the trees.

"Stop!" The small voice creeped.

I then came across a large boy from my year named Jim. He was rather muscular and had black hair.
Next to him was a smaller boy. The year below. He was scrawny and didn't look like the typical popular boy. He had a large cut and bruise across his right cheek and his nose was bleeding. His shirt had blood on it and he was on the floor wheezing.

"Step away from the boy you twat" I told Jim.
"Or what Sherlock? You gonna fight me?" His Irish accent stroked through my ears.
"I might. But I don't necessarily want to." The smaller boy started to scurry away.
"Oh now look what you've done!" Jim shouted.
"Don't beat up anyone again. Don't go near them ever again."
"Shut up Sherlock! Shut your freakish face" Jim scratched.
"No. And stop"
I walked away, heading back to my room. When I got there John and Mary had gone. I decided to go and visit Molly. As I got closer to her dorm, the corridors remained empty. By the scent of the room, everyone had left recently. I began to walk faster.

My heart sunk.

I turned the corner to find what I didn't want to.

Police tape, police officers. Many teenagers, John, Mary and a stretcher. Telegram stretcher was being wheeled out of Molly's room.

"John?!" I shouted I couldn't breathe probably. My hands shook and my legs trembled. I could feel the sweat race down my face.

"Sherlock" he turned his head with tears in his eyes and consoling Mary in his arms.

"Wha- where's Molly? WHATS HAPPENED?! WHERE IS SHE?!" I began to fall.
I ran to John and looked him dead in the eye. However Mary's face was hidden in John's chest and she began to sob into his shirt.
"....I'm sorry Sherlock" he frowned with tears as big as puddles.

Her soft pale hand with neatly painted nails fell out from under the sheet.

"but- I need- No! STOP!" I ran to the stretcher and grabbed her hand. The policemen stood by my side.
"MOLLY!" I screamed out. My scream began a sob.
I sank to the floor and let go of her.
The men took her away and I was left with the gaping hole. She wasn't here with me. She was gone. I'm never going to see my love again.

I fell onto my back and screamed out. All of my classmates stood by me and didn't say a word.

Everything felt empty. Everything felt delicate.


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