Christmas day

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Sherlock's POV
It was Christmas Eve and everything seemed great. John gave us a scare but fortunately he was allowed to leave and arrived back at my home today. Mary was looking after him against his will. She got his medicine and his food. And literally anything else he needed. He tried a lot to refuse but she was so eager to help him. It was kinda sweet.

Molly and I have had a couple of great evenings. Mostly making out which I'm not really used to but I let Molly guide things along. I quite enjoy it actually.

My mum has really warmed up to Molly. She won't stop asking her questions about her family, school, hobbies. Everything down to her first words. But that's just mum. Molly didn't seem to mind especially when she showed embarrassing pictures of me of a child. Which Mycroft always laughs at.

This evening has been long. Helping John and all. I can't wait to wake up and enjoy Christmas with the people I love most. And Mary was desperate for my gift to Molly.

The next morning:
"Sherlock? Sherlock." Molly whispered whilst nudging me.
"Merry Christmas" she said with a huge smile across her pale face.
"Merry Christmas Molly" I kissed the top of her head.
I looked over at my phone to see it was now 9.47. Better get up. The smell of pancakes melted under my door and arrived at my bed. Mum always made them as an incentive to get us out of bed on Christmas.

I fell out of my bed and Molly chuckled. I slowly stood up and went straight to the wardrobe where I then put on a blue t shirt and some black socks along with the black and white pyjama bottoms I was already wearing. I pushed my hair back and threw a bra to Molly that she had asked for. She wore my big purple shirt that was oversized on her with some pink socks as it was a cold morning.

I waited for her to do her hair in some messy plaits and then we went downstairs hand in hand.

As we got to the bottom Mycroft and Greg had passed out on the sofa, probably from getting up too early. Dad was reading the newspaper and mum was cooking breakfast.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" I cheerily shouted. Mycroft and Greg both flinched and woke up.
"Happy Christmas kids!" Mum and dad replied.

Me and Molly sat on the armchair together watching how I met your mother on the tv. A few minutes later John and Mary trotted downstairs. John looked healthy. He wasn't in very much pain and his cut had already begun to heal.
"Morning" I greeted John as he walked in.
"Merry Christmas guys" John and Mary announced.
Mycroft sneered and went back to his phone.

Everyone gathered around the living room ready to open the presents. I had so far gotten a new laptop case from John and a chemistry kit from mum. Without anyone knowing Mycroft slipped me some drugs I needed for an experiment. That was his way of giving me a gift.

Then it came to the moment I had been waiting for since mid-November. Molly's present. The only person who knew of this gift was Mary as she helped me plan it.

Molly picked up a small red box with a silver ribbon wrapped around it.
Mary looked at me and couldn't help herself from smiling. Molly read the label and delightfully said
"Merry Christmas love Sherlock "
She nudged me and grinned. She took the ribbon off and slowly opened the box that lay in front of her. I could feel my heart beneath my chest. O god what if she didn't like it? O crap.
She took out 2 tickets for Comic con. The real comic con in San Diego. Then underneath laid 2 plane tickets to San Diego. And finally a brochure of the hotel we were staying at.
"OMG OMG OMG SHERLOCK! I CANT BELIEVE IT AHHH OMG" she screamed out. She gave me a huge hug and she even started to cry a little bit.
No wait she was crying a lot. My mum was so happy even though she didn't k ow what it was. She told everyone and they all looked pretty proud of me, even Mycroft.

She ran upstairs with her phone and
shouted "be right back"
I knew she was calling her mum as she was also a huge nerd.

Molly came back down after a few minutes. She couldn't stop smiling for the whole morning. I definitely earned some boyfriend points there. Even if I don't know what they are.

After presents me and molly went upstairs to "get dressed". We were really just going to make out. That's what Molly said anyway. I didn't abject to it.

"Sherlock. No one has ever gone to that much trouble for me. I hope you know how grateful I am. You support me when I'm anxious and you tolerate me when I'm OCD about something. Most importantly you love me. I love you too." She looked up at me with her beautiful eyes whilst she spilled the words that meant most to me in the world.
"I know that I'm not used to having a girlfriend but it's nice to know that I'm doing well. And I'm doing well with the most fantastic woman on the planet." I gave her a large grin. She started to cry of happiness. I hugged her tightly and wiped away her tears. She reached up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

Christmas Day is going to be magnificent.

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