Chapter 2 : The flirtatious pinkette

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As I was only a few feet away from entering the school I pulled out my phone and put headphones on to listen to music. Then I continued to head into the school. When I walked inside I grabbed a school campus map hoping to find out where the office was. I started to walk not paying attention to where I was going.

"Ow!" I shrieked shocked.
"Ouch!" A heard a soft voice say.
"OMG I'm so sorry I did-" The blue hair girl cut me off by waving her hand at me "N-no it's fine really......are you new?"
She said to me looking at the campus map I was holding in my hand.
"Y-yea I am. I transferred......Also  could you direct me to where the office is?"
"Yea sure oh by the way my name is Levy Mcgarden!" She said with a smile.
"I'm Lucy Hea- ......Um just call me Lucy." GOSH DANG IT.....I couldn't tell her my last name I didn't want anyone to know.  "Alright Lucy follow me!" She said as she signaled me to follow her. We walked through the halls as the halls where filled with bustling people.

"ok here is the office I gotta go........See you around Lucy!" She said casually walking and waving to me with a smiled. I sighed and grabbed onto the Handel of the office door. I twisted the Handel and walked inside with the door shutting behind me.

"Hello dear how can I help ya?" I turned my head  to see a desk at the other end of the office. At the desk sat a white haired girl with dark blue eyes and glasses. "Um I'm Lucy I'm the new transfer student do you have my schedule?" I said softly almost a little shy.

"Oh here ya go Lucy," She said as she handed me my a folder with my schedule and everything that I needed. I nodded my head and whispered thank you quietly. "Oh! Before you leave you need sign some papers and we need to notify your teachers for this semester. You can go sit over there." She told me as she pointed next to a hot........wait NO I MEAN......GOSH DANG IT. I mean a man who was maybe about a year older than me. He a messy pink hair and onyx eyes. I turned a light shade of pink at the sight.

I walked over casually and sat  in the chair next to his.I tried to avoid making contact with him until.......he spoke.

"What did you do......" he spoke coldly it made me blush. Ok I'm gonna be honest I haven't really seen a guy my age in like.....forever.

"What do you mean by what did I do? I said still trying to avoid making contact.

"Most kids stay away from the office unless there In trouble."

"Ya know I could ask you the same thing what did you do Pinky?" I said teasingly. I turned my head to find home staring at me. Our eyes met. My eyes trailed down to his chest to see his six pack through his shirt. I blushed and He smirked

"Like what ya see sweetheart?" He said still smirking. "Shut up.." I said pouting.

"NATSU WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT FLIRTING IN MY OFFICE!!!" He flinched by the sudden outburst. "S-sorry Mrs.Jane I mean Mira I mean Mrs.Strauss! He stuttered in fear. Holy crap I didn't know she could  be so scary to be honest.

"Alright Lucy you're all set your home room is 205 , but it's lunch time right now so you can go head to the cafeteria. "

Natsu go show her where the cafeteria is." She said glaring at Natsu. He sighed as he got off the chair and grabbed my hand pulling me out of the office. As we where walking through the hallway he unexpectedly stooped looking a piece of paper hanging on the wall. I glanced at the paper it said.

Ball boy/girl needed
For the boys soccer team they need someone to help organize games and help supply them with soccer balls and other hints if needed. Also they will be required to go to every game and practice. They will be payed $25 a week. Also will have to listen to there team captain no matter what they are in charge. You must sign up before the there next game which is next week. They will also help the school set up soccer games with other schools without a ball boy/girl they won't be able to play this season.

He sighed as his he looked away from the paper. I gave home a puzzled look without him noticing. "Come on.....Luce...." "........wait what kind of nickname is that.

"Luce....?" I said as I arched an eyebrow.

"Yea it's what I'm gonna call you." He did the smirk once more. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I took the paper that was hung up before he could notice and shoved it into my pocket.

"Hey by chance is there a girls soccer team?"

"No. Why?" He said looking at me with an arched eyebrow.

"No Reason....."

"Come on we gotta get you to the cafeteria let's go Blonde" He said waving his hand to signal me to follow and I obeyed without complaining.

A/n : Hope you enjoyed 😊 I made this chapter a bit longer than usual.

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