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When I had finally made my way to the office and handed Mira the paper. She looked at the paper then back at me which she repeated for a couple of moments. I raised an eyebrow confused at her expression.

"Lucy? Are you sure you want to take this job? It says you have to do what ever the boys say. That means they might even treat you as though you are a maid, you know that right?"

"Yea i'm sure! I'll be fine Mira!" A said with a confident smile. After all i'm only doing this so I can practice when the soccer team isn't around and maybe one day I would be better than my brother ever was. Also this is a job where i'm getting paid, so I can pay rent for my apartment. It's better than having to work at starbucks or something.

"Ok, If you say so." She handed me back the paper with both mine and her signature of approval. I dashed out the office and headed towards the door which lead out to the soccer field. When I had reached the doors I opened them slowly with the soft spring breeze flowing through my hair. I walked into one of the locker rooms that were close by the soccer field. I threw on a sports T-shirt and a pair of booty shorts. A/N: LOL! When I had finished I saw all the guys on the team running a full lap around the field.

I looked over to see a guy wearing the same soccer team Jersey as all the rest of the guys, except it said team captain. I walked over to him to tell him about me taking the job.  He was yelling at the guys to keep up pace as they were close to finishing there lap. I tapped his shoulder he flinched a little as though he was shocked. He turned around slowly to face me, but hair......that large grin..........


"The one and only!" 

A/N: Sorry it's really short.

Lucy's Game - (Nalu Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin