Chapter 12

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 My breath hitched. I swear my heart skipped a beat. I continued to stare at him dumbfounded considering I was having a mental break down and was still weak due to the medicine I was given for my head.

Did he mean what he said? Was I being tricked again? What am I saying he wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it... Right?

I don't want to be taken advantage of my father never loved me... only my mother. Not only that I was once in a fake relationship which I thought was real it was all a lie. Could it happen again?

I couldn't deny it. I Liked him a lot. Just him being here made me relaxed, but yet nervous.

I couldn't help, but purse my lip into a thin line and look down at my hands which were placed softly in my lap.

"Lucy." He said monotone. I didn't move I still kept an emotionless face considering I was still contemplating the matter. "Look at me."

I hesitantly looked up finally meeting his onyx eyes. They stared right through me. I didn't know what to do nor to say.

"Lucy... I don't expect you to respond right away. I'll wait for you. Because I love you." He got up from his chair and walked over to me and hugged me. It took me a second to react until I hugged him back.

"I'm.... Scared." I whispered to him as I snuggle my face into his neck and gripped the back of his shirt tighter.

"There's nothing to be afraid of because as long as I'm here I will always protect you." I sighed and relaxed becoming less tense because of his reassuring words.



"I-.......... I love you." I said softly.


"I-I love you."

"Could you say that again I couldn't hear you."


He chuckled loudly and I pouted my lip. I puffed my cheeks and looked away, but he placed the finger under my chin moving my face to meet with his. I completely melted under his gaze with his eyes filled with adoration.

He came closer and thought he was coming in for a hug, but I was wrong. His lips meet mine which was soft and slowly moved with mine.

I couldn't help, but smile after we parted. My heart pounded in my chest loudly. He gave me a cheeky smile in return and reached over and grabbed my hand. He softly lifted and placed it on his chest where his heart was located. It surprised me and was pounding just as fast as mine.

"You feel that. It only pounds for you no one else, but you and always will." He gave me a sly smile given because how cliche that line was. I have to admit it was pretty cute.

"You dork," I said wearily considering how late it was.

"Heh. get some sleep, Luce. You've been through a lot."

"I think you should take your own words into consideration," I said pointing to him. "Don't think I haven't noticed the tiredness in your voice and not to forget the bags under your eyes," I said a bit sternly.

"Fine." He said, Boardley. He then got up from the chair and started to head for the couch, but I managed to grasp his hand before he went too far away from my grasp.

"Where do you think you're going?" I said. He turned his head around and raised an eyebrow and gave a confused look.

"To sleep." he pointed to the couch as it was obvious.

"On the couch?"

"Where else?" I smiled and scooted over on the bed, but hissed in pain when my head started to pound when I moved. I lifted my hand to my head. His eyes widened and he caressed my head with one of his hands.

I then weakly patted the now open spot beside me. He sat down beside me and got situated and laid down next to me. I cuddled next to him and he then wrapped his arms around my waist and we stayed like that not wanting to ruin the moment.

I felt my eyes start to feel heavy and soon the darkness consumed me and fell into a deep slumber.

Hey guys sorry for the wait. I also love reading your comments they always make me smile. Anyway, I've been super busy with school recently so that's why I don't post often. I'm also working on original stories also. I'm also planning on making a second wattpad account and post my original books on their if you are interested I'll update you guys on it later. Anyway, see ya. 

IMPORTANT: I'm running low on ideas for the story so if you guys wanna leave suggestions please do, but I do have a couple plot twists planned 0^0 . Also sorry if the chapter sucked.

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