Chapter 8:

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Guys...... i'm ligit speechless like 1k reads like.... WHAT! Thank you guys this is the second book I started writting before I started writing  "our conflicting love" and the other storys.

Sorry for mistakes not edited yet.

Anyways enjoy!


I was all dressed up with my waist length Hair losly hanging and my make up applied.

I walked out the door and to no surprise Natsu was waiting there in his red Lambo. Wait..... HE HAS A LAMBO.

he looked up from his phone and stared for I good five seconds before he stepped out and walked up to me casually.

I felt butterfles in my stomach as he drew closer. He smiled brightly and reached out his hand which I gladly took.

"Ready to have fun!" He said exitedly. I simply nodded in response and we walked towards the car.

I hopped into the passenger seat and Natsu started the car. The ride was silent until jean turned on the radio and one of my favorite songs came on.

"Sing." He said no emotions what so ever. How did he know this was my favorite? The song 'sweater weather'.

"W-why I can't sing...." I lied. He lifted an eyebrow and smirked. 

"CAUSE IT'S TO CCCCCCOOOOLLLDD FOR YOU HEREEEE! He sang.... well more like screamed way out of toon.

"NUUUUUU! OK! OK!" I yelled trying to yell over his dreadful singing.

I sighed and took in and soft breathe.

(Sweater weather) by the neiborhood.
"All I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
I hate the beach
But I stand in California with my toes in the sand

Use the sleeves of my sweater
Let's have an adventure
Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered
Touch my neck and I'll touch yours
You in those little high waisted shorts, oh

She knows what I think about
And what I think about
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing that wouldn't wanna tell you about no

'Cause it's too cold whoa
For you here and now
So let me hold whoa
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides our minds to
So move to a place so far away...... ' I trailed off realizing we had reached our destination.

"O-oh look at that!... w-where here! Youwantsomecottoncandyidoillgogetsomeillmeetyouthereseeyou!" I rushed as I got out. I speed walked to the cottony candy stand while trying to get through the herd of people.

Before I could get there I felt strong pair off arm go around my waist.

"Ahh!" I squeled. I turned around to see Natsu.... smirking like an idiot.

"Your so cute..." I hear him whisper. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and looked down and pouted.

I felt his hands move form my waist to my wrist and pulled me behind him.

"W-Where are we going?"

"To meet up with some friends. I promised them I would meet them at the Ferris wheel." He responded not slowing down his pace.

Once the Ferris wheel came into veiw I gulped feeling my legs start to weaken as thought I was already on the petrifing ride.

I've always been scared of this kind of ride considering your in a box dangling knowing that it could fall at any second. I'm not scared of rollercoasters, but this........ 

I've always been petrified about highs due to a.... well traumitizing thing that happened when  I was younger. 

Once we reached the front of the Ferris wheel near the line to get on was a group of people... 6 people to be exact. The people that I only recegnize was Gray, Gejeel, Levy.

The other three was two girls and a guy. One girl with light ocean blue hair  and the other taller than the other gurl with dark scarlet hair and dark eyes. The guy on the other hand had a darker blue than the other girl.

"Hey guys! Oh by the way Jellal, Erza, Juvia, this is Lucy a friend of mine." Natsu Said smiling while his arm wrapped my back.

I waved at them and they smiled back beside the blue haired girl.... I mean juvia, but why was she glaring? What did I do. I saw her move her lips as though she was muttering something.

I looked over next to her and saw Gray Staring at me with his hands in his pockets. When our eyes meet he smirked.

I quickly looked away feeling Natsu grabb onto me tighter.  I looked up at his face scowling.

"HEY LOOK PEOPLE ARE GETTING OF  THE LINE LETS GO! Erza, yelled demanding while pulling jellas arm in the one of the component and closing the glass door closed behind her.

"GRAY~SAMA COME WITH JUVIA!" Juvia pulling Gray to sit while making puppy dog eyes. He simply sighed and finally gave up and Sat down.

Then it was our turn. Everything seemed to slow down. I-i couldn't move...... nor speak.  

"Lucy?..... Lucy!... LUCY!"

"H-Huh?" I stuttered a but dazed form snapping out of it.

"Hey.... you ok?" Nastu asked concerned. 


"We don't have to go on if you want..."

"..... can you promise me somthing?"

"Ya of course." He said resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't let me go."

"I promise." He said as he crossed his  heart with his right hand.

We walked into the component and I sat right next to him and when I say right next him I mean litterly there was not any space between us. 

When I felt the ride start to move my legs grew knum and I squeked and held onto Natsu closing my eyes shut. I felt his Arms trail around me holding me tight.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see him smirking.

"I said I wouldnt let go. Oh and man your squel is to cute"

"Shut up."

"Make me" he smirked. I returned the smile and slapped him on the arm.


"You asked for it!" I smiled triumphantly.

I heard a sudden boom and looked out the window to see fireworks bursting in the stary night sky.

"W-wow! "

We both stared there as the ride stoped to let passengers off and we were right at the top . While whatching the beautiful sight.

I wasn't scared anymore because for once.......

In my life....

I felt safe....

Lucy's Game - (Nalu Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें