Chapter 10

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Gray drove me home that night. I just stared out the window pondering.

I didn't know how to feel after that. I couldn't figure out my emotions. We drove in silence. Tension arised into the air so thick you wouldn't be able to cut it with a knife.

"What happend?" I averted my eyes away from the window and looked at Gray. He had no emotion on his face and kept his eyes on the road.

"It's nothing...." I sighed.

"If you were crying over it I don't belive it's nothing." He sternly.

"Fine..... I-I I saw Natsu k.....kiss some girl and just left me....." I stuttered whil flashbacks started to play in my mind. Tears dared to spill from my eyes, but I was done crying over him. I was an idiot for falling for someone I barly knew....... or do I know him more than I thought.


I looked back over at Gray to see his hands have tightend on the wheel. I heard him mumble a few things, but they weren't loud enough for me to hear.

"listen... Lucy...." he said pausing in between words as we had just pulled up into my drive way.

"It pissess me of to know that he did that do you, but it doesn't seem like somthing he would do." He said with a sigh. It was somthing obvious he was hiding somthing. Like he wanted to say somthing, but couldn't get the words out.

"Here's my number we can continue this conversation later. It's getting late you should get to bed you've had a rough day." I nodded my head agreeing and took the piece of paper which had his number written in black ink.

I got put of the car and just before I was going to shut the door he looked at me. Straight in the eyes.

"I really like ya Lucy your an intresting girl." He said with a grin plastered on his face.

"Thanks for everything today Gray." I shut the door and wrapped my arms around myself in order to keep warm. I took my key from my purse and unlock the front door.

The warm air hit me and I suddenly felt relaxed. I kicked my shoes of and headed straight for couch and flopped down onto it.

"WHHYYY MMMEEE....... UGGHHH!?!?" I yelled my voice sounding raspy. I started to ramble, but was interuppted by my phone going off.

Damn.... it was the gang group chat.

Curiousity got the best of me so I decided to pick up my phone and see what everyone was talking about.

Erza: were did ya go Gray?

Natsu: hey at least we don't have to deal with that idiot.

Gray: shut up. At least I'm not as dense as you. Why don't ya go back with your girlfriend.

Natsu: What?

Gajeel: how did this douchebag get a girlfriend.

Erza: I will come to your freaking houses if you don't quit the fighting.

Gajeel: yea right.

Erza: want me to prove that theory.

Gajeel: shit.

Gray: you know what I'm talking about Natsu.

I felt sick and turned of my phone and ran for the bathroom. I threw my guts up. When I get to emotional or nervous....... I throw up....

My phone went off again, but it was my ringtone.

'Who's calling me?' I thought.

I answered the phone not caring to look and see who it was. 

"Hello?" I said wondering who the caller was. Gray?..... no he doesn't have my number I have his though...

"Hey..... luce."  Immediately my stomach dropped. I felt as though my heart was beating out of my chest.

My stomach turned and I felt like I was gonna throw up again. Good thing I didn't leave the bathroom.

I dropped my phone on the counter and threw up the rest of what was left of dinner in my stomach.

"Luce?.....Luce!... LUCE!!! ARE YOU OK!!!.......... I'M COMING OVER!" Then the call ended. 

My body wanted to keep throwing up, but there wasn't anything left. I sat up leaned back  and my back hit the wall. My body wasn't able to hold my body up so I used the support of the wall.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud and Natsu yelling my name he must have climbed in through my window again. His voice faded and everything started to spin.

I felt my body finally give up and fall to the floor and just before my eyes closed I saw Natsu coming into my room and looking into the bathroom seeing my body.

Before I could manage to get a word out the darkness consumed me....


♡ Not edited ♡

Thank you guys for such the sweet comments I am really enjoying writing this book. I have a lot of good plot twists comin.

Also I love reading comment you guys make me smile and laugh live you guys!!!!  ♡

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