Chapter 13

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I took in the refreshing air as I stepped out into the fresh air. I felt relieved that I no longer was cooped up in a small hospital room that had bland tan walls and the smell of the hospital. I walked up the stone path and was then met face to face with the front  door. 

This place which should be known as 'Home' Didn't feel like home yet, but I know in time I change it into My home by doing a bit of decorating and getting used to. Still, something still felt missing.

I unlocked the door with the key which I kept stored safely in my jean shorts pocket.  Before I opened the door my foot hit something. I looked down curiously and found a decently large box with a note taped to it.  I leaned down and lifted it up so that I could read the note.

 Dear Lucy,

I hope you are feeling much better. You scared all of us we thought something even worse happened like a bad car crash. Hey, we should meet up sometime! Anyway, I made you some sweets and got all of your notes, homework, and etc for you while you were gone for the past 3 days. Love ya Lu!


Levy is such a sweet girl I don't know what I would do without her. 

I then entered the house and kicked my shoes off by the door. I walked into the living room sat down on the couch letting out a loud huff. I slumped down on the couch and started to read a book. I whole body relaxed which I hadn't felt in a while due to the stress I have been put through. 

I felt anything but relaxed in the hospital It made me a nervous wreck. 

I was so wrapped up in my book I didn't pay attention to how much time went by or anything. I was about to finish a wonderful chapter but was interrupted by the buzz of my phone. Why right when the book was getting good. When I checked to see who it was I was appeased to see that it was Natsu. Which I gladly answered

"Hey, are you doing ok?"

"yea. would you mind if I stopped by at your practice?"

"No, not all Lulu," he said playfully. 

"Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"You know exactly what I''m talking about." I rolled my eyes with a smile wiped across my face.

"Ok whatever you party pooper."

he could be such a child sometimes. I slumped into the couch sticking my phone into my crossover bag. I swung the bag over my head and rested it on my shoulder. It's not like I had anything better to do besides maybe write my book, but I had no inspiration right now too.

I hopped into my car and started it up and headed off to school which wasn't far. So within only minutes, I was there, but for some reason, but those minutes felt like hours. Why did it though? 

I hurriedly parked my car and got out. I headed straight to the field to do something productive and be active. I sadly couldn't be as active as I want considering I had just gotten out of the hospital and some of the drugs still had a small effect on me.

I entered the field scanning the field for Natsu. My examination of my surroundings was cut short when a tall figure blocked my view. I looked up slowly to see gray standing before me looking a bit smug.

"Glad to see you're doing well Lucy. So did you and Natsu make up."

"Y-yea." I nodded my head and tried to walk around him. Which Is big frame blocked my own. "excuse me." I said a bit agitated by his actions.

"Rumors have it you and Natsu are dating." He said giving me a stone-cold stare. not looking too pleased. I was done being shy and meet his dark eyes.

"So what if we are? why does it matter to you?" I said clenching crossing my arms over my chest. He gave me a bit of a shocked look and parted his lips slightly seeming as though he was about to say something. He didn't and shut his mouth. "No we aren't, but we could potentially in the future," I said. I then walked around him. 

he stood there frozen before I heard him say something softly. "Playing hard to get I see." I simply ignored it and walked on. I continued my search for Natsu, but he didn't seem to be anywhere. Where was he?

I stopped in my tracks when I heard yelling by the fields locker rooms. I followed the loud yelling. I came to a corner and crouched down and peered around it to see what the fuss was about without being seen.

My eyes widened when I saw Natsu standing there with his fists clenched while he had a soccer ball tucked under his arm and before him stood a woman who I have never seen around in school before. She had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed and to say she looked pissed was an understatement. Of course, I couldn't help, but let curiosity get the best of me so I ease dropped on them.

"Your gonna regret pulling it off you and your $h!tty company will go down the drain without me."

"I think we will do just fine. I think you're forgetting to look at your statistics compared to ours. I don't think you'll be a good heir to your own company considering you seduce men to get your company to make sales Don't think I didn't know I pay more attention than my father does to peoples backgrounds."

"Listen to me Dragneel you might want to reconsider before you regret your decision and come crying to me." 

"As if that would ever happen. I don't love you and never have. Never will. You're a bratty B!tch." he clenched his teeth hard. venom filled his voice showing he meant it.

I heart pounded loudly my eyes widened in shock. Wait... he was a Dragneel as in one of the most successful companies around. No, he couldn't be. The Dragneel which I knew as a young child. In which the one that bullied me? Is that why he was so familiar, but his demeanor and personality have changed immensely. 

I lost my balance when I crouched and fell letting out a yelped. I looked up slowly to see that women and Natsu stare at me. Natsu stood there a bit shocked and the women glared at me fiery in her eyes.  

I sprang to my feet and didn't show any sign for anxiousness. I stood my ground. "Sorry I tripped. Sorry If I interrupted. I'll take my leave. excuse me." I apologized acting innocent. I turned on my heal and started to walk off until I heard a loud yell. I turned on my heel and say the women still continuing her evil glare."

"YOU!" She yelled in fury. My eyes widened a bit at her sudden outburst. I couldn't think straight so many things were on my mind right now. She snatched the ball from Natsu's hand she stomped a bit in my direction before taking the ball and kicking it. I froze I couldn't move. Why?

I waited a couple seconds and the impact of the ball hit me right smack in the face. I tumbled and the back of my head was first to make an impact on the floor. Face stung and my head throbbed. 

My vision blurred and my ears rung. I could only hear my name being called by quite a few of people, but I couldn't make them out. My eyes felt heavy and I couldn't keep them open and before I knew it the darkness sucked me into a dreamless slumber or was it?

HAH! Cliffhanger!!! I hope you all enjoyed I love you all so much! I made this chapter a bit longer. XD

Also, Thank you @Nesi936 for the awesome story suggestion I want to dedicate this chapter to you!

Lucy's Game - (Nalu Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon