A/n I'm so sorry... it's complicated

570 9 4

Hey, guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update recently I have had exams at school and I'm injured.

Well... how I'm injured is a long story but I got a concussion at my soccer game by someone who hit me with their head so basically, my head collided with another girl and after I got hit I fell to the ground and hit my head again on the ground. the other girl is fine probably got a bruise, but fine. My doctor said I could only be technology for only 1-2 hours a day so that's why I haven't updated in the longest time so updates won't come back till about next week IDK yet.

so I'm super sorry I love you guys thank you for being patient. ALSO, THANK YOU GUYS FOR 4k READS THAT IS INSANE I'M SO HAPPY!!!! Anyway, guys see ya all next week!!

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