Chapter 14

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My head throbbed due to the fact this psychopath women just full on knocked me out. I struggled to slowly to open my eyes. I squinted as the bright light shined down on me.I looked around a bit hesitant trying to recall what happened. There were about 5 people hovering over me, but I couldn't exactly tell who was who because everything was a blur. They all averted her gaze to each other and began to talk to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying because their words just came out different tones of muffles. Everything started to come back to me and I furrowed my eyebrows and my heart beat started to pound harder as my mind filled with rage.

I sat up and pushed myself through past the group of people. I got up to my feet and started to walk which only turned into a wobble as I walked. My vision became clear and I could see the bitch who knocked me out because she had something against me. She pissed off the wrong girl. I'm not the person to let people push me around anymore.

I hear someone say my name which was very faint. I overlooked it and kept my eyes on the piece of shit I didn't want to waste to much time on. She was on her phone scrolling through something boredly. I raised my hand up ready to slap her. She looked up away from her phone and her eyes widened a bit and before she could react I started to bring my hand down to slap her, but it was caught by a warm hand which was tightly wrapped around my wrist just before I could slap her. My hand only about an inch away from her face.

I looked over my shoulder to see a blur of pink and multiple other colors and of course as soon as I saw pink I knew who it was. Natsu...

"Lucy stop." I tried to yank my wrist out of his tight grip which failed and his grip only became tighter.

"Let g-go Dragneel." He didn't respond for a few moments and we stood in silence. That silence was broken when the brown haired women rudely spoke.

"Oh! kitty's got claws. Control your damn cat Natsu. I'm done wasting my time here. I can't wait until the next time we meet Natsu~! She smirked and walked off. I clenched my teeth hard as she walked away and swayed her hips sassily.

Once she was gone Natsu then let me go and grabbed his bags and I tried to walk off which was a very quick wobble. Black dots continued to blur my vision.

I yelped loudly as I was quickly picked up none other than Natsu himself nor fight him. I didn't speak at all. I was somewhat pissed at him. Why didn't he let me slap her? I mean for crying out loud she knocked me out with a f*cking soccer ball! Why would he care if she gets hurt he seems to hate her as much as I do. Right?

He carried me with ease and gently set me in the front seat of his red car I wouldn't tell what kind and I still I didn't say a single word or argue.

We drove in silence. I bit my lip hard until it started to bleed. I couldn't hold these thoughts in my head anymore.

"Why did you stop me..?" I whispered softly looking straight ahead not wanting to meet his gaze.

"That would just give her more of a reason to hate and target you."

"What do you mean Target?"

"I'll explain it later when your doing better...and I also take it that you heard most of the conversation and you didn't just 'Trip'?"

"I- y-yes."

"Figured." he laughed a little.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Your reaction was pretty funny. I'm not that dumb you know!"

"You read me like an open book and Ya you may not be dumb, but you are so freaking dense."

"Well, I guess I can't argue with that now can I."

"Nope. Oh by the way just because we're laughing together doesn't mean I'm not mad at you or don't have questions." I looked over at him with my arms crossed over my chest. He sighed as he smiled.

"Well, at least I got you to smile."

We laughed together. Natsu always knows how to make lights of things. Still, thoughts flew through my head at the speed of light. Natsu Dragneel.. was the boy who bullied me when I was younger... but he is different now at least I think. I may have hated him when I was younger, but maybe he had a reason for his actions. I can't just hate him for what he did in the past that doesn't matter anymore what only matters now is what happens in the present and future.

Hey, guys Sorry for late update had some crazy crap going on and there was a lot of swearing on in this chapter XD. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you guys are happy I didn't Do the cliche where Lucy hates Natsu for what he did in the past or despised him you know because I hate those cliches.

IMPORTANT!!!! Also, I wanted to let you all know I have made a second wattpad account where I write my original stories and I would appreciate if you could go check out the two books on the account the books are "Attacks On Redwater" and "Wolves Without Hope" You guys can find those @RaeThePeanut

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