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Hey guys I know your all probably mad about me not updating. Things have been crazy busy I'm having some crazy family drama. If your wondering what the drama is well my grandfather is remarrying a women he has only dated for a couple months wich pisses the crap out me  me, the ladie is nice and all its just so akward because my gramdma died when I wad six and I kinda went through a depression like state where I would cry at night praying that I could see her one last time. She died during her brain surgery. She came over to my house and said "I will see you tomarrow after my surgery", with a smile, but I never saw her again...

Sorry for telling you guys the whole story IM not telling you guys this for attention I just really needed to get this off my chest.

Also IM very busy since IM on vacation right now so I promise u will make a updating schedule as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading this if you have made it this far. I appreciate all of you for the nice comments my heart 💖 light feels Like it about to explode when I read each of one. You guys are amazing. Luv YA Minna!

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