Chapter 9

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Cami finally got out the car. I could tell she was beyond scared, I didn't blame her I didn't really want her to be in this. But it was for the good of my brother.
Cami's POV
I finally built up courage to get out the car. I didn't want to betray my brother but he didn't need to keep hurting people just because they didn't do what he wanted him to do. I had to do this for Kayla, I hope after this we finally get to where I want us to be hopefully she wants us to be in the same place. But I can't think of that right now I have to stay focus on the task at hand. I finally got to the hide out but before I did, I sent Kayla's cousin a text to come in, in 5mins. That's all time I needed. To get out safely I told my brother I had a job, and I'm on my break and I wanted to visit. He hasn't really asked me about Kayla anymore since he thinks I got a attached so that wasn't my job anymore. I was at the door and sent the text then placed my phone outside the door in the bush so if things went wild they wouldn't try to check it. I opened the door and went in I saw all my brothers guys standing around handling their merchandise. Then around the corner was my brother. The build was kind of tricky so I made sure to give Kayla's cousin exact detail of it . " hey lil sis, how's work life treating you ?" My brother asked in a kind tone.
" it's good I'm actually on break and I know I haven't seen you in a min so I came to see my bro. "
" that's coo, so how long your break is ?" He asked while staring me down.
" it's actually over in a few, I'm actually closing tonight gotta cut it short, time is money like you always taught me " I smiled
My brother flashed his toothy grin to me. " aaight sis take care okay, street dangerous this time of night."
" Ima big girl I can handle myself " I said as I turned to walk away. I realize I had 1 min to get out before everything went down.
" aaight see you later okay ?" I waved bye and tried not to do an obvious fast walk out the building. My brother seemed sincere when he spoke but I knew he thought something was up but he let it slide because it was me. Once. I got to the door Kayla was sitting out there waiting for me just like I told her. I grabbed my phone out the bush and got in the car and we headed back to Kayla's house. Making sure no one followed us we circle the block a few times and then arrived her house. We headed inside. I laid on the couch and tried to catch my breath.
Kayla's POV
We made it out without a scratch. I was a little surprised but I couldn't do anything but thank god. I worried about my cousin though. Hopefully he knew what he was doing and I pray he makes it out. I looked over at Cami on the couch, struggling to catch her breath. I knew what she did was hard for her but I'm forever grateful for what she did and if this goes right I plan to show her how grateful I am to her.
Big cuz POV
After getting the text from Cami me and my boys moved in. Cami told me they didn't have weapons at there drug hideout. Not a smart move. I had boys come from the back, sides , and the front of the hideout. As my boys took out Cami's brothers boys I headed for him. Two of my boys had him gunned down, I looked at him and grinned " you ready to die motherfucker? " he didn't move . He was hard but once this bullet was in him he wouldn't be. " Kill me, it wouldn't make a difference if I was dead or alive my boys will come for you later."
I smiled " they can come, my boys can handle them but before I kill you. You remember Devin? " breathing heavily he nodded. " that was my lil cuz man how could you kill a lil kid ? " I said trying to hold back a tear. " he shouldn't have joined if he wasn't ready I warned him, he wanted out there was no getting out. So he faced the consequ..." before he could finish his sentence I let the bullet fly.
Kayla's POV
Waiting on my cousins reply, me and Cami sat and watched cartoon movies. We bonded over Mickey Mouse , spongebob movies etc. She snuggled up to me and I liked that she was comfortable with me. I was starting to warm up to her and I never been able to do that. Phone started to ring. It was a text from my cousin.
--text message--
Big cuz : it's done. I'll catch you a few days from now. I gotta lay low.
Me : of course cuz. What about the bodies
Big cuz : I have a clean up crew remember, nothing to trace back. &I tell Cami I'm sorry, but thank you for being on our side. & cuz we have more to deal with his crew will here and they will be back.. we good for now tho.
Me : Ight , love ya cuz stay safe.
Big cuz : love ya to lil cuz , tell auntie I love her to talk to you soon .
I told Cami what happened she cried for a little while then we headed up stairs for bed. It's been a long week and day.
--the next day--
I woke up to the smell of an amazing breakfast downstairs and no Cami by my side . I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was 10:30am . I had 20 miss called from Jordan and 15 text from her. She wanted to come over to share some amazing news. I texted her back to come on over.

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