Chapter 14

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Sunday morning came and everyone was already up and eating breakfast. I came downstairs slowly because I'm still sore. I finally reached the bottom of the stairs and sat down to eat. " morning cuz, how you sleep?"
" pretty ok I guess ." I said in a low tone .
" after we eat I need to talk to you for a sec." he replied. I nodded then continued to eat . After I ate I walked out to the backyard and sat next to my cousin on the chair.
" how you really feeling cuz."
I took a deep breath and tried not to make my voice sound to shakey.
" I'm ok, I'm just still a little shook. Last night I kept dreaming about what if you never came to get me ." I said with my head tilted so he couldn't see my tears. I tried my hardest not to cry but my eyes overflowed with tears.
" but I did come to get you, no matter what I was coming to get you. I couldn't lose you like I lost you brother. I couldn't continue to see the hurt in my aunts eyes. I made it my mission to come get you. Even if I would've died trying." He said sounding a little choked up. Not wanting to talk anymore we just sat there quietly and started off into the distance.

An hour later, we all decided to take a trip to an amusement park to take our mind off of things . I admit it worked for awhile until I kept seeing faces and hearing voices that reminded me of those guys who snatched me. I walked around with Jordan and Cami , they noticed I was feeling anxious so they sat me down.
" best friend are you feeling okay? "
" does it look like she's okay!?" Cami yelled
" who do you think you talking to ? Cause last time I checked you caused this." Jordan yelled back. Cami's face turned red. I felt bad but yet angry, it was pointless for them to argue. They're suppose to be the people who comfort me but instead they're fighting.
" yo chill out okay, it's no reason why you should be fighting like this. Ima be fine now lets just enjoy the day." I slightly yelled at them both. They both looked at each other we started back walking through the park. We stayed a couple more hours riding rides and enjoying the sights.
A few hours later we all headed home. My cousin went out with his boys to take care of some things. My mom and aunt went out to shop for a little bit. It was the three amigos at the house, but I felt like I was alone because it was completely silent.
" so what do y'all want to do it's still early?" I asked
" well, I don't know what y'all are going to do but I'm going out to explore for a bit." Jordan said with an exited tone.
She left out the house and it was just me and Cami starring at each other. Five minutes in and Cami breaks the silence. " so what are we going to do ?" She says awkwardly. I didn't know what to say but I knew I didn't want to just sit here in silence forever. " Um I guess we can just talk if that's okay with you or watch a movie ?" I added
" talking is fine" she smiled and moved closer to me. I didn't know how to feel about Cami anymore but I wanted to find out. She was beautiful and smart. Even though we went through a rough patch she always managed to have some type of hook in me. " You know I still care about you a lot right, and I don't know how many times I need to apologize before it's too many time or you forgive me." She rubbed my thigh as she talked. I felt her apologetic tone in the strokes as she rubbed. " I care about you to but your going to have get me to trust you again." I said with a small smirk on my face. " what do I have to do, I'll do anything" she said still rubbing my thigh and looking into my eyes at the same time. " anything like what ?"
" like this .." she leaned over toward me as she spoke. Next things I know is I feel warm full lips against mine. Suddenly my feelings that I had for her when we first met came flooding back. I didn't want to pull away so I pulled her closer. By this time we were closer than ever, full on make out session. " let's take this up to my room," she whispered. She got up and I followed her to her room. Once she opened the door we started to kiss again. I started to take off her shirt and she took off m

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