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It was five years that she's been with Gilbert, but at this point they only had a mutual friendship. Both were making it on their own, Gilbert being an immature adult of 24 who worked at a club playing jazz at night and serving food in the day, while Amelia was at the school subbing. Until recently, that is.

She applied to work at the school she attended not long ago, after being fresh out of college and subbing as training (on top of her job at the grocery store). She spent these years living in a flat her and Gilbert shared. She thought she loved him back in her senior year, but she didn't have good enough judgement.

She was going on the night before the highschoolers go back about how nervous she was, Gil trying to assure her that she would be fine.

"You've always been good with people, Amelia. You'll do alright tomorrow." He ruffled her hair after finishing his dinner.

Gilbert got up from his chair, an empty plate in hand. "I need some shut eye, I'm playing tomorrow night. Join me when you're not feeling too anxious to sleep."

And with that, he set his plate and utensils in the dishwasher and walked to their room. Amelia was left at the table, thinking about her junior year, and all the crazy shit that happened. She missed having that excitement, but now she was content with her calm, uneventful life.

Oh, who was she kidding, she wasn't happy.

She wouldn't admit it, she couldn't. She ignored the lingering feeling that she made a wrong decision, but she wasn't going to pay attention to that when she had a real job now. She already resigned from her job at the local grocery store and would never have to sub again, and was going to start her dream career.

Yes, teaching science is her dream career. As underwhelming as it sounds, that's all she's ever wanted to do since eleventh grade. But she didn't want to admit that she hadn't initially figured out what she wanted to do herself.

But still, here she was. The night before she would go to the same school she'd attended five years before.


An alarm rang at five in the morning, Amelia rolling away from Gilbert's embrace. She groaned begrudgingly, getting out of the bed and tapping the clock on the bedside table.

After a shower and some breakfast, Amelia grabbed a mug and a lunch bag to bring to the school with her.

"Why are you up so early Frau?" Gilbert lumbered out of the room, boxers and a wifebeater on. He ruffled his dull white hair, a yawn erupting from him.

"I have to go to work Gil, we talked about this last night..." Amelia rubbed her eyes, grabbing a pair of reading glasses from the table, throwing them into a small purse and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Oh, yeah.. Do you at least have weekends off...?" Gil asked, feeling kind of bad that he forgot what she was doing that day.

She nodded, heading towards the door. "If I don't leave now I'll be late. Have a good day."

He followed her to the door to see her off, waving as she made her way to the school.

The traffic was mild because of the time, but Amelia still hated being in the car. She parked in her designated spot, and made her way to her classroom with key in hand. She wasn't ready at all, but she was used to the feeling of not knowing what would come next.

She already had lesson plans and such, but she couldn't help but feel like she was forgetting something as she walked into the familiar classroom. But she wasn't, and she couldn't put her finger on what it was that gave her this feeling...

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