Thirteen Things About Me

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I know this isn't a real chapter, but I've been tagged by @Creepypasta_Lyfe to share thirteen facts about myself! So I decided it was a good time to share with all of you awesome readers 😊

1. My full name is Jewish but I'm not a real Jew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2. I'm a Libra, but I don't act much like one.

3. My birthday is October 16.

4. I'm fifteen.

5. I've been playing violin for over eight years.

6. I have absolute pitch (but I never tell anyone because one, I don't want to brag, and two, I'm not anyone's personal tuner -_-).

7. I draw, but I'm pretty mediocre :'))

8. I'm 5'8"

9. I've been on Wattpad since sixth grade.

10. My grandfather was in the movie hidden figures, but he's been dead for over twenty years. I don't have this clip on my phone, but he's there, believe me!

11. I'm an INFP.

12. I'm child number five of six in my family.

13. I have distichiasis, which is a fancy way of saying I have a double row of eyelashes.

I'm going to tag thirteen people to share thirteen facts about themselves, however you don't have to if you don't want to. A warning to those who want to do this, it's actually really difficult to think of random facts about yourself! That might just be me being really modest, but it was seriously taxing on my brain to think of anything.


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