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"We are full of encounters, encounters without duration and without farewell, like the stars. They approach each other, light seconds pass by one another: without trace, without binding, without farewell."
~Wolfgang Borchert


"Kori! Hurry up!" Dick yells from the door.

"I am sorry! I cannot find my backpack!" She shouts back from her bedroom. Koriand'r's green eyes dart back and forth all over the living room looking for her backpack.

"Kori, dude, it's right here." Garfield is standing right next to it near the couch.

"Oh." She snatches it up the backpack and bolts out of the mahogany apartment door. "Thank you Gar! Heh!" She laughs nervously as Dick looks at her condescendingly.

"Remember Gar, milk, eggs and–"

"Yeah yeah yeah Dick I got it." The door shuts as the three teens head for school.

"He worries way too much." He plops down on the couch and flicks on the large, black, flatscreen TV.

"Meow." A tan tabby cat stalks over and under Garfield's hand.

"Oh hey Silkie." He starts playing with Garfield's hair. "You like my hair huh? Just got it dyed. Dick thinks it looks stupid. He's the only one now."

He gets up from the couch and goes over to the mirror on the far side of living room.

"Hey, Vic was totally right! I look nice." He said referring to his hair. He had his ends dyed green last night for his birthday.

"First school and now my hair. Dick can never give me a break. It's my life, I can do what I want, right? It's not like I have any parents to tell me what to do." He looks down at Silkie who just hopped on the table next to him that matches the door. "Look at me. I'm talking to a cat." He looks at his square-faced watch. "It's only 8. Maybe I could–"

His phone buzzes on the table. He hesitates to pick up the phone. He knows exactly who it is. It's the same person who's been texting him for the past month every morning at the same time. But he just can't seem to resist the urge to check his phone in hopes that it wasn't who he thought it was.

Terra. Crap.

Groaning, he reads the text. Hey Beast Boy! Just wanted to see if you've changed your mind!

"Beast Boy? Seriously?" He hasn't used that nickname since he was ten. He replies with a simple 'no'. "Why haven't I blocked her yet?" The answer to that is that he simply can't bring himself to.

He remembers how he made Terra cry, but people applauded him for dumping her. He doesn't like making people cry, but Terra was straight up deceptive and mean. She'd be nice to people then completely backstab them. He didn't want to be a part of that and he didn't want his friends to be a part of that.

He does miss being in a relationship though.

"Ugh. Why are girls so clingy?" He tosses the phone on the couch and jumps over it to sit right back down where he was, messing up his blonde/green hair in the process. "Dang it." He tries to fix it, but something on the flatscreen catches his eye.

"Today, a patient at a mental institution in Oregon has escaped. The police of Ashland, Oregon have asked all places within a 500 mile radius to be on high alert of this patient."

Wonder if Jump is 500 miles away from Ashland? Hope not. Don't wanna be around for this guy when he comes.

"We are not allowed to show a picture, but we are allowed to give a description. Thank you Johnny." Another reporter hands him a paper. "She..." She? " a 16 year old girl with black hair and dark blue eyes. Her skin is pale and she is 5 feet, four inches. Her name is Rachel Roth. Be on the lookout and call local authorities if you see anything suspicious. This girl is highly dangerous especially to people her age. If you see her do not approach her and call the police. If you do encounter her try to leave as quickly as possible without making her angry and call the police immediately."

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now