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"Today's opponents can be your allies tomorrow. And today's allies can be tomorrow's opponents."
~Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem


"Woah! Raven!" Gar whisper yelled.

"Shh! You're gonna get us caught!" Terra hushed from the opposite end of the tunnel.

Raven was glowing a weird shade of black and her eyes were red. But just her irises. She looked furious and helpless all at once. It sent chills down their spines.

"That is really creepy." Terra states to herself.

"How are we even going to get in there?" Gar asks.

"I have no idea. They're all circled around her. We can't get in this way."

"No duh Terra. Are there any other doors?"

"Yeah there are smartass, at least I think so. They don't take too long to get to. Opening them is just the problem." She replies irritated.

"Hopefully Raven blows that one open then." He whispers to himself as he slinks back the way they came. Terra follows him until they are both completely out of sight from anyone in the room.

Everyone except Raven.

Gar! Where is he going?!

She turned to the doorway and looked longingly through it to Gar turning the corner and out of sight.

"What are you looking at?" Karah questions. "Has anyone been watching the cameras?!"


"Ugh!! Make sure she doesn't leave!" Karah stomps off.

Now one would think that that's a stupid idea because Raven is so overpowered at the moment.

But her head is pounding. She can't control what happens.

Good news: The effect from tonic doesn't last forever.

Bad news: she doesn't know how long it will last since it was obviously modified.

She needs to go find Gar, but she also needs to stall do the effect can wear off.

I have to stall. That's the only way I'll get through this. Especially because this is actually starting to become painful. Gofigure. I still can't heal my arm.

"There are two kids sneaking around!" Karah bounds out of what appears to be the security room.

"Gar!" She blurts out. Karah snaps her head to the pained child.

"They're with her! Keep them out at all costs!"

"Not on my watch." She manages to surround herself with her magic. It's a dome and she's in the center of it. She spreads out her arms wide and makes the dark energy blast out in all directions, mowing down all the men to their backs, pushing Karah up against the wall, bursting all the windows, and blowing all the doors to smithereens. "Have fun trying to keep them out." She morphs into the floor.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now