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"If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid."
~Paulo Coelho

"To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
~Sun Tzu


Please hurry Gar.

She opens her eyes to see a tall, tan woman tossing around the men like plastic balls in a ball pit as she comes through.

It wasn't only her size, but her demeanor that intimidated her. And based on her senses, everyone else in the room.

"You imbeciles can't even figure out how to incapacitate a small demon." She had the authority of an army general of the highest class. Her voice, clear, strong, and forceful, boomed throughout the room.

Raven narrowed her eyes at the woman. She let a growl rumble in her throat, virtually inaudible to anyone but her.

"If this little demon could do that then your 'magic-preventing brand' didn't work, Jackson." She spoke to the man who the others kept referring to as "Boss".

"Sorry Karah. But it was supposed to work."

"Hmm." Karah looked over to Raven, who was still laying down the death stare. "She hasn't used up everything. There's still some left." She talks as if Raven isn't a yard and a half away from her.

She struggles not to drop the beam above her on top of her. Raven has more power stored up than Karah realizes.

Karah walks over and focuses her blue eyes on Raven. Raven doesn't do a thing. She just sits there and continues with her death glare.

"Who are you glaring at kid?" She asks firmly. Raven doesn't answer. Karah reacts negatively with a scowl along with a growl. "Answer me demon spawn!"

If she calls me demon one more time...

Karah hates it when people don't answer her. This is clear. Especially in her quick reply to Raven's stolidness.

"Don't make me force you to speak demon!"

That's it.

She smirks as she takes a telekinetic hold of the useless metal beam above Karah and quickly drops it down on her.

"Agh!" Raven's smirk gets wider, clearly taking pleasure in her decision. Karah lifts the beam off of her body and tosses it aside. "You are lucky we are genetically enhanced beings kid,"

Good. She stopped calling me demon.

"or you would have had two other people's blood under your belt."

"I knew that dumbass. I'd never kill somebody else."

Wait...how did I know that?

"Bold move, calling me a dumbass. You have a fire girl. But we-" one of the men behind her tries to flick a switch and breaks it. She sighs. "-I, I will extinguish it. You're only a child. Not only young, but impressionable." She says confidently.

Raven reads this woman like a book, as she does with most other people she's met.

She used to be in the army, but because of some costly action she took in the field, or a scandalous action she took out of the field, her position and status was ripped from her grasp. She met this rag-tag group of villainous men and helped them grow stronger, using her skills in genetics that she gained earlier in life.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat