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"Even if she be not harmed, her heart may fail her in so much and so many horrors; and hereafter she may suffer--both in waking, from her nerves, and in sleep, from her dreams."
~Bram Stoker, Dracula


She walks into the extremely dark woods without thinking. The only thing glowing in the darkness is the gem on her forehead.

"Hello?" Her voice gets stopped by the thick wall of trees and foliage A strong gust of wind blows the leaves on the trees. They whisper to Raven.

"This" the wind blows east and she follows it mindlessly.

She goes in a straight line until she gets to withered garden, decrepit and abandoned, the small dead flowers rustle in the strong winds.

Raven gets an overwhelming feeling of dread all of a sudden.
As soon as she takes a step into the garden of death and destruction, the trees whisper again.

"Don't go through...go around..." The voices were all in sync and soft to the ears. She felt anxious there. Like she wasn't supposed to be there.

"Why?" The voices don't answer and the wind stops. She steps back to go around, but instead makes the choice to walk straight through.

"Shouldn't have...going to die now..." The branches reach down to her and grab at her.

"Hey! Let me go!"

"Warned have to pay...our children..."

"What? Ouch! Stop that!"

"Don't deserve mercy..." They grabbed her by every limb and tried to literally rip her apart.

"Azerath Metrion Zinthos!" With a small shockwave she pushes the woody arms off of her and B-lines to the mountain range. She goes as fast as she can, her heart pounding out of her chest. Her hands ball up  and she stops right at the foot of the mountain.


"Agh!" She unballs her fist and heads up the mountain. It gets colder and colder as she heads towards the summit. When she gets to the top there are no hands. She breathes out heavily. "Phew."

"DIE....!" The hands come out of literally nowhere and push her off the mountain. When she falls if doesn't feel like she's falling. It feels like she's floating. But when she hits the ground she hits it with a loud thud! as she landed on a thick patch of snow.

She sank into it and it acted as a pillow. It saved her life. The snow was fresh and soft but just like everything else would grow to be icy and cold.

"Ugh..." When she opened her eyes she wasn't at the foot of a mountain. She was in the bedroom she woke up in before. "What?" She turned around and saw herself in the bed. "Wait, is this a dream?" She reaches out to the bed to touch herself and her hand togoes straight through. "It is a dream. And now I'm lucid dreaming." She leaves the room and looks down the hall. There is space on either end. Literal space. Stars and nebulae and galaxies. She closes her eyes and instead of space is Garfield's bedroom door. "I'm going to find out his deal."

She opened the door and Gar was sprawled out over the top bunk bed. Not seeming to care where his limbs landed. Haphazardly or not.

Either that or he was extremely tired.

She reached out to make sure she was still in a dream. She readied herself, but then stopped. She froze. She couldn't move at all.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now