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"The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion."


She opens the door to find Kori in shorts and a pink camisole, her long hair covering half of her face, looking a little shaken up. "What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare." She sounded like a 5 year old.


"May I come in?"

"I guess..." Kori goes in and Raven shuts the door. "What was it about?"

"All of us. And Terra." Terra? "We were on some sort of building. Then you were talking with Terra, then you were suspended in the air. Then it was over as quick as it began. But I awoke with shortness of breath. It was but a few flashes yet it felt as if it needed attention. Someone's attention. Your attention." Raven's eyes grew wide. She just got a while bunch of information all at once. Who is Terra? Was this some sort of sign? What building? Why were they all there? She didn't like this one bit.

Time to address the first question.

"Who is Terra?"

"Oh, the boys have not told you? She was Gar's girlfriend for a while, but they broke up recently. He is still bothered by it. She still texts him frequently to try and convince him to get back together with her. She was indeed very abusive. She wouldn't give Garfield a second to himself. She even suggested that he should 'ditch us' and move in with her and her brother. He obviously declined."

"She was rude to others as well. She would pretend to be friends and then humiliate them. We tried to get him to break up with her. We must have succeeded since he came home that day saying that is was 'over'. I was not there to witness the actual scene however." Raven finally got the 3rd puzzle piece. She just needed to get Gar to spill some more.

"Kor, do not tell anyone of this dream."


"I have a bad feeling."

"Oh. Perhaps you would car to share?" She smiles, which is half covered by her hair.

"I...no. Maybe...uh...maybe later Kor."

"But we have agreed to keep secrets! Surely I can keep another."

"This isn't..." she stops herself. She musn't speak to much. The longer she speaks the more room there is for slip-ups. "I promise I will tell you later Kori. Just not right now."

"Oh. Alright."

"See you in the morning Kor."

"Good night Raven." The two hug and Kori leaves. Raven is once again left alone with her thoughts. She doesn't bother getting back in bed, instead she decides to do something she hasn't done in a long time.


She still remembers her mantra from way-back-when.

"Azerath Metrion Zinthos..."


Raven meditated all night. No sleep, just meditation. But she still felt very rejuvenated.

More knocking. This time it's 6. The only logical answer would be Dick. She gets up from the floor, dusts herself off.

"Coming." She says quietly. "Gar? What are you doing up so early?" She opens the door wider to let him in.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon