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"People always label others as good or bad based on their actions, without knowing the motives. Know the motives, know the person. But you'll never know the motives, unless you try to find out."


Terra walked up to the woman at the front desk. The woman smiled at her dispite the weather's slow decline into dreary greyness and gloom.

"Good afternoon Terra. How may I help you?" She asks kindly.

"You seem awfully giddy Sierra." She replies stolidly.

"Well I certainly should be! Taylor proposed to me last night!" Lara flaunts the ring in Terra's face as she dully Sierra at it, unintrested.


"You're here for your brother aren't you? Brion's been moved to another room."


"Yes. He's now in room L030 on the 4th floor."

"Thanks Sierra."

"Hey," Sierra stops Terra as she heads for the elevator, using her hand to grab her shoulder. Terra shoots her a side glare that clearly states, "Don't touch me."

"Don't worry. I've heard that he's getting better."

"I've heard otherwise." Terra aggressively shakes her off and heads for the elevator.

Terra pushes the button marked with an up arrow and anxiously waits for the elevator to come down the multi-story building.

The pristine stainless steel doors slide open and she steps in.

The wall has 25 buttons lined up and down neatly in 3 rows.

She simply pressed 4 and waited for the doors to close.

Just then she heard the sound of footsteps breaking the indefinite silence of the hospital.

"Hey! Hold the elevator!" The doors started to close, and Terra looked at the 'open door' button and the 'close door' button directly next to it.

It appeared that she was going for the 'open door' button, but the door didn't open. It closed. She caught a glimpse of the man's face. It was clean shaven and very stereotypical for a man of his stature. Brown hair, suit, brief case, etcetera etcetera.

Terra heard him curse as the elevator went up the shaft.

"4th Floor." The elevator's feminine computer voice chimed.

Terra sighed and got off. She walked down the hall towards the patient's rooms.

K047...K048...K050...L001...ugh...why is this stupid hallway so long?

Terra walked down the hall staring at the signs on the walls.

As she walked through people looked at her and started saving and saying hello to her.

"Hey Terra."

"Afternoon Terra."

"How ya doin' Terra?"

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now