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"Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions."
~Primo Levi

1 year ago

"I'm leaving mother."

"Raven where are you going?"


It wasn't safe to go out at that time. I knew it wasn't. But I chose to anyways. I was hard-headed like that. I still am. Didn't listen to anybody. If I'm being honest with myself I didn't really care how others viewed me. I knew who I was and couldn't change that.

"Raven you can't go out."

"I know."

"Then why are you leaving?"

"I want to get out of the house. I'm not a hermit. I don't hate the outside world."

"Raven could you please do this for your mother? Don't give me a heart attack again. You are all I have left."

"You are all I have left too. You don't see me trying to stop you from leaving the house!" My mother had kept me inside for the last month while she ran out and got supplies. I was always worried that she wouldn't come back. All I wanted was some fresh air, and being who I was, and argumentative 16-year-old, I was going to get it.

"Please just be cautious Raven." I rolled my eyes and left. My mother was ticking me off, so I simply just left. I regret that. That's the last time I saw her.

I went to the park. The park in town was my favorite place to be outside. Inside was the bookstore across the street of my house. But I didn't feel like going there that day.

I was an avid bird watcher, sunset watcher, and book reader. That's usually all I did. All day every day. But now I don't do it as much. Now I just run.

"Hello Red." That's what I named a cardinal I met. She would always sit on the same tree branch and wait for me. "How are your babies?" I hung out with her and then went to the beach. I had never gone to the beach before and I needed some alone time.

I sat on the sand and looked at the waves gently flow onto shore. I was sitting rather close to the water and high tide came in. I didn't exactly move, but I laid down on the sand. I didn't wear my hood as much back then.

The tide came in, hair got a little wet, and went out. I liked the way that felt on my skin. I didn't care that I was wearing street clothes, I just liked the water. I moved back a little so I wouldn't get drowned if I fell asleep there and laid back down. Part of me withes I stayed there.

Believe it or not I actually fell asleep on that sand. When I woke up it was sunset. I had left the house around noon.

"Uh oh."

It wasn't good for me to he out at dark. I had flashbacks to the last time. I started to cry just remembering the scene. I started to feel the pain of it. Then a large hand covered my mouth and another arm wrapped around my body like a snake. I was picked up and ran off with.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now