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"We all want to break our orbits, float like a satellite gone wild in space, run the risk of disintegration. We all want to take our lives in our own hands and hurl them out among the stars."
~David Bottoms


They were there laying on the sand motionless. At this point it didn't even look like they were sleeping. It looked like they were dead.

It took a half an hour for one if them to stir.

It was Gar.

"Ugh my head..." he looked around. "Dick, Kori, Vic? What happened?" Then he saw Raven laying in the ground gracefully covered my her cloak. "Raven? I...remember. I wasn't supposed to was I?" He sees the gem on the ground. "Oh yeah. I made her drop this. This must have been what was supposed to make everyone else forget. The penny must have been for herself."

He walked over to Raven and opened her still clenched fist. The penny was sitting inside. He took it and stuffed them both on his pocket.

"I'm the only one up. I can't just leave them here. By morning people are going to be asking questions." He decided he was going to try to get everyone home.

He started with Raven. He picked her up bridal style and started heading for the apartment.

For some reason he went through the back door. He went up the elevator and took a right turn. His appartment was at the end of the hallway.

He quickly unlocked the door and went inside. The couch and the coffee table were back and the TV was fixed. He knew then and there that Raven had come in there the night before. What did she do?

Who knows?

He laid her on her bed gently and went back out.

Next was Kori. She was about the same weight as Raven. Just a bit heavier because she was taller. This did not impede his progress though as he got her to her room in almost the same amount of time.

When he got back to the beach, Vic was sitting up clutching his head.

"Vic!" He ran to his friend's aid. "Are you ok?"

"Ugh...yeah. I'm fine. I've got a bad headache is all."

"You remember what happened?"

"Yeah. Weren't we supposed to forget?"

"I think the gem was what was supposed to make us forget and the penny was supposed to make her forget. Bit when I grabbed her cloak she dropped the gem."

"That's why we still remember everything." Gar nods.

"Where's Kori?"

"I brought her and Raven into the house already. Can you help me with Dick?" He nods and gets up. The two throw Dick's arms over their shoulders and walk him to the back door.

They put him on his bed and walk back into the living room.

"Looks like Raven returned our couch."

"And our coffee table."

"So she was in here?" Gar nodded slowly. "Must've been grabbin' stuff for the potion thing. I'm gonna check my room later."

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now