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"Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction."
~Criss Jami


After Raven woke up and managed to re-compose herself, she and Garfield acted as if nothing ever happened. Especially Raven. When asked questions, the two said they were fine.

They were quite adept at little white lies.

But did this count as a "little white lie"?

Regardless they traveled to the beach without a hitch. Raven refused to take off her cover-up though.

Kori pushed relentlessly until Raven finally agreed to compromise. She'd take it off once everyone had settled on he sand.

They had planted themselves at a far end of the beach pretty far away from everyone else who decided to take advantage of the extremely good weather.

Raven sat under the umbrella with a book, sitting crosslegged, as she still refused to remove the cover up. Everyone else was in the water. She told them she'd be there in a second, after which she pulled the book out and never took a step off the blanket.

"Hey where's Raven?" Garfield asks.

"She never left the blanket dude." Vic replies

"Did she not say she would come in a second?" Kori asks after she stops splashing.

"Well yeah, but does she look like one to splash in the water? Especially in that bikini you gave her Kor." Dick states.

"You gave her a bikini?" Gar asks. Kori nods excitedly. "And she agreed to put it on?" She nods again. He gives her the most skeptical look he can.

"SOOooo, peeerHApse I only bought her one and that was the only one she had to pick from." Two shook their heads in shame, one stared longingly at Raven who was wearing the darkest shades she could find and pulled up the purple hood, while she was still sitting under the umbrella.

"Well if she doesn't like the bathing suit, I'm sure there's someone here who does, Gar." Vic says. Dick and Kori snicker

"Huh? What?" The three burst out into laughter. Raven simply looks up and buries her head back into the pages of the book. "Grr." He splashes them and they quickly stop laughing. This is what makes Raven put the book down and watch the show.

The others splash him back, and it soon turns into an all out water-war. They kick, jump, and use buckets the left on the water's edge.

Everyone was soaked head to toe. Everyone except for Raven, wo started laughing quietly as they trudged back to the blanket.

"Ahh. Have fun?" She said after catching her breath.

"Yeah. Whoopee." Vic says dully.

"I am soaked to the skin. And Raven is dry." Kori says in obvious jealousy.

"Duh. I didn't go into the water." She looks back at her book.

"You said that you would." Dick says crossing his arms.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang