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"No one is dressed useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."
~Charles Dickens


The two both walked outside in hoods. Both with shadows covering their faces. Both almost looking like the same person from far away. It was also dark, which didn't aid anything.

The funny thing was that neither of them realized this. Raven put her hand on the latch of the door but Dick hopped on his motorcycle.

"Were taking your motocycle?"

"Why not?"

"Good point." Without a care Raven gets on the back of the bike and Dick hands her his extra helmet.

"Is this ok?" He asks.

"What? Oh yeah. It's fine. I don't mind." She replies.

"Alright then." Dick revved up the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

"You ever been on a motorcycle?" Dick asks through the mic he put in his helmet.

"You added a mic to the helmets?"

"Makes it easier for conversation." He gives her a hidden smirk.

"To answer your question, yes, I have. Multiple times" she pauses. "And I know how to drive one." She adds.


"Don't sound so suprised. Maybe I'll race you later just to prove a point."

Dick rolled his eyes.

"What are you going to do with Brion?" Dick asks just a little bit curious.

"I'm an empath, Dick. I can always feel what others are feeling. Remorse, joy, happiness, pain. If I heal someone, I take away that pain. It's like a 6th sense. It is a 6th sense."

"I've done things like this before. Brought people out of comas, healed life threatening illnesses and injuries. It absorb it and it goes from being their peoblem to mine. I've learned not to let others feelings and emotions affect me or my mind. I don't know what happened to him, but for Terra, I guess it's the least I can do." She said this as if she was unsure if she should go through with it. She let a long sigh escape her mouth forgetting that Dick could hear her.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just...tired." Dick didn't buy it. But he figured he'd leave her alone. She had already gone through so much that day. No point in getting into her own personal decisions. This is a pretty bold move for her to make to begin with.

Raven knew this. She questioned so many things about her choice. She was confident that she could do this...

If she knew him that is.

That's the problem.

She's only done this with people she's known or has been close with. Usually she wouldn't consider doing this for a complete stranger. And she planned to keep her relationship with him that way. Whoever he was, she didn't want to find out any other way than her powers doing it inadvertently.

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now