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"Sometimes, remembering hurts too much."
~Jess Rothenberg


Raven didn't get it. She knew nothing of these people, yet they call her "friend". She knew nothing of these people, yet she felt the most comfortable when she was around them. Especially Garfield. She felt something. Something about him that he hasn't told a soul. She wanted to find out. There was something. She just had to get it out of him.

Nobody planned to get up early that morning. Especially since it was Sunday, but because of Raven's dreams, they were woken up.

Gar had made a plan and told them all while Raven was freshening up.

"So let me get this straight: you want to take her outside, just the two of you, by yourselves, with the thugs still roaming around, so you can try and help her remember us?" Gar nods.

"Don't make it sound worse than it is Vic."

"No, he's right. That's stupid. We don't know if she still remembers her street smarts. And you sure as hell can't protect her." Dick sides with Vic.

"Hey! I can protect her if I need to!"

"Whatever G. The point is your idea is dangerous for you and for Raven." Dick says. He crossed his arms.

Raven comes out of the bathroom in her old outfit again. The indigo hoodie, the jeans, and the boots.

"Good Morning Friend!" Kori cheered.

"Mhm. Hi." She said quietly. You can tell she was anxious just by her demeanor. She seemed to be clasping the zipper of her sweatshirt for her life. Gar was surprised she hasn't pulled it down.

"You still hungry?" She shook her head. "Then what do you want?" Dick asks.

She simply looks longingly out the window. Dick knew what she meant by that and groaned. Was Gar's plan actually feasible? Impossible. Right?

"We'll go outside later ok? Right now it's early. Let's just say inside." He feels like he's talking to a small child or stray puppy that somehow found it's way into the appartment.

She is a lot shyer than he remembers. Before she'd just answer straight out, "I want to go out with blah-dee blah-dee blah." But her shyness is almost obviously a result of her growing anxiety and uncertainty about the place she's in. Dick isn't a completely perfect judge of character like Raven is, but he can do it rather well. At least to keep up with her.

As for her take on this, she is starting to not like him. Dick keeps treating her as if she's 9. She hates that.

"So Raven, do you remember anything about us?" Gar asks hopefully.

"I remember your names for some reason, but..." She shuts her eyes, then opens them again softly. "No, sorry. That's it." Then she looks back out the window.

"Its alright. Maybe we need to show her some things to jog her memory." Gar says.

"With what? We don't have anything." Vic states.

"Yeah we do." He goes to his room, grabs the washed penny and gem and brings them back in. "I picked these up off the beach and washed the stuff off of them. Now they're harmless."

The Girl with the Indigo Hoodie | A BBRAE AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now