Chapter 11

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You know, maybe dying won't be so bad. For one thing I wouldn't have to embark on dangerous quests that involve bringing a powerful object to a place far away while all the servants of evil chase after you, I wouldn't have to travel with a group of diverse characters, nor lose my sanity. Why does this sound so familiar...

The beast is preparing to end my life but at the moment I'm too confused and disoriented and delirious to care. In fact I'm welcoming my quick and painless death with open arms. Unfortunately my plans are ruined because someone just had to come in at the last moment and save my life! Why?!
Why do all the bad things happen to me?!
How hard did I get hit by this thing?

The beast roars in pain and backs away from me, snarling at something I can't see or care about. I notice an arrow sticking out of the beast's shoulder, that must be painful, poor thing. The beast rears on its hind legs as the something begins to attack it. That's not nice! Why would you attack an innocent creature?!

Alright now I know I'm delirious...

As I lay there on my side watching the fight unfold between the beast and the something while bleeding out onto the ground I wonder if I should be concerned. Wait what should I be concerned about? Was it the beast, or the amount of red stuff covering me? What's the red stuff called again?

A cry of pain (it's actually more of a grunt of pain) comes from the something as the beast throws them down. Ouch...
Poor something, wish I could help.
Then I notice something shiny lying on the ground nearby, I think it's a baby sword, and I want it. I try to drag myself towards it, but then the ground bites me. I yelp and quickly roll onto my back. How can I grab the baby sword if the ground is biting me? 

I can see the beast lumbering towards me, maybe it can help me grab the baby sword. Everything around me is spinning, I like looking up at the stars when they spin, so pretty...
I close my eyes when my head starts to get fuzzy. Perhaps I'll nap for a moment, then I can try to grab the baby sword.

Just a short nap...
That's all... I need...


Ramben's POV

Something was wrong, terribly wrong. Ramben could feel it as he ran alongside Darovel, something awful was happening. Frightened people ran past them but Darovel refused to turn back. Holding tight onto Ramben's hand he made his way towards the village, half of which remained in ruins.

Ramben trusted Darovel completely, he could see the good in him, but there was something else in him too the the young Elf could not name. Whatever it was it drove him to follow Darovel, although now he was mainly following him in order to find Amarth. What Ramben feared most was that the darkness he felt had hurt Amarth in some way.

The two entered the village and Darovel slowed his pace, creeping forward slowly with Ramben behind. They reached the center and saw exactly what Ramben had been fearing. Amarth was laying motionless on the ground, blood covering his chest, and the beast towering over him. "Stay here Ramben, do not come out no matter what understand?" Without waiting for an answer Darovel ran towards the beast, throwing knife in hand.

Ramben's heart was pounding as he watched the scene unfold. Darovel had thrown a knife into the beast's back, the creature roared and spun around to face the man who already had another knife ready. In Ramben's eyes the beast had no definite shape, it moved around as if it were a shadow, a claw or eye could be seen as it moved. Ramben's attention was suddenly caught by another figure laying on the ground, one who was slowly rising to their feet.

He couldn't see who they were, only that they seemed to be hurt. Ramben was about to go over and help when the being suddenly raced towards the beast with a sword in hand. Their gait was off however which told Ramben that they were hurt, and yet they went to fight anyway. Ramben watched as they fought alongside Darovel, but to the young Elf's horror the beast was no longer interested in them. 

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