Chapter Twenty

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Kyra hunched forward, her hand holding her hair back from her face as her evening meal came spewing out of her mouth and into the roadside bin.

She clutched her chest, the pain now in sync with every beat of her heart.

Straightening, she grabbed the train of her gown in her hands, and continued her walk back home, as quickly as her racing heart would permit. She needed to get to her pills if she was by any chance going to survive this pain. Yet, she was a long distance from home. She had been so blinded by grief, that she failed to feel the dangerous way her heart took to beating in her chest as she raced down the streets -as far away from Vihaan as was humanly possible.

He betrayed her. Her tears stained her face, her hair falling loose of its bond as she took to racing down the road. She wouldn't let her mind dwell on Vihaan's infidelity or the consequence of it that she knew she would have to bear -the shame would be on her. It wouldn't matter that Vihaan was the one who cheated, what would matter was Kyra's inability to keep him faithful.

But she tried. Many time, she tried to be a good wife to Vihaan and many times, he rejected her. Who would believe her tale? Who would believe her when she tells them Vihaan rejected her from day one?!

She stumbled forward, her hands flailing in the air as her fingers clasped around a pole, stopping her fall.

Weeping, she leaned heavily against the pole -if only his betrayal didn't hurt so much, if only she wasn't in love with him. But she had foolishly allowed herself to fall for the same man who made his disdain for her quite clear.

Someone honked by her side, causing her to jolt. She turned to the intruder; a taxi. Knowing she couldn't make it home without one, she pushed herself to her feet with what was left of her energy and made her way to the waiting vehicle.


Vihaan watched the massive wall clock as the seconds ticked slowly by. He should go after Kyra! He should have gone after Kyra! He scolded himself over and over again. Still, his heart told him to wait. He needed her to come back to him, he needed it to be her decision.

After an hour, Vihaan pulled the door open and raced down the stairs. He knew he needed to find her, if only to make certain she was fine.

The party was nowhere near over and he had to maneuver his way through a small crowd in the hallway, before he could get to the front door. He was about to pull the door open when someone pushed it open and his eyes settled on her pale face; Kyra.

He stared at her, relief flooding his features. But something was wrong, he could feel it as he watched her. She seemed almost unable to stand on her two feet and her body seemed to be shaking.

"Kyra?" He whispered.

Without a word, she fell forward. His hands automatically reached forward to break her fall as he captured her limp body in his arms.

"Kyra!" He yelled.

Kyra laid motionless in his arms.


"I killed her! I killed her! I killed her!"

Sweat broke forth from Vihaan's skin as he raced through the busy road, Kyra's still form laying at the back seat of his car.

He was fighting hard to keep his tears from falling in order to maintain a clear vision of the road ahead. But even with his eyes dry, he could hardly see what was ahead. His heart pounded loudly in his chest and his mind was unable to focus on anything else but the woman who laid motionless in his back seat as he watched her through the rearview mirror.

She couldn't die, he couldn't let her die! He owed this precious soul so much. He owed her an apology and he owed her his love. He owed her happiness and he owed her protection.

Determination to see her live pumped through his veins until he was at the hospital, pacing back and forth at the Emergency unit, waiting for the doctor to show up with his report.

Vihaan's parents and Kyra's father showed up at the hospital half an hour later but he didn't acknowledge them. Left to him, her father would be the one in that Emergency room with his mighty ego. More pleasing was the thought of his own father being in Kyra's place on the hospital bed. Both men had worked hand in hand to ruin their lives. Vihaan might have made the mistake of being with another woman, but his father took advantage of that mistake and worked to use it against him.

It was quite apparent that he needed to get Kyra as far away from both men as was humanly possible for one sought to make her the object of his abuse and the other sought to kill her.

But no matter how Vihaan fought to lay the blame at the feet of his father and father-in-law, he knew it could only be laid at his feet; he was the one who put Kyra on a hospital bed.



This chapter has been a long time coming. I wasn't sure what i wanted to do with it especially with the next chapter so, I'm really sorry. I needed to get in a lot of research so some trolls wouldn't come here to troll my story as is the custom. I had zero time to carry out my research and only got a little time today so I'm so so sorry. Here is your chapter. Expect another one before the weekend is over.

I also wanted to say how amazed i am to have watched this story grow from 3k reads to 5k in a week. Thank you so much for being supportive. All this support keeps me going.

Again, small reminder to vote...

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