Chapter 9

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~Nialls P.O.V~

"Niall, can you pull over please"Jasmine asked.

"Sure, what's wrong?" I asked as I parked up.

"Nothing, I just feel a bit sick" as she said that I got out of the car with her.

She ran over into the fields of the country side and crouched down by a bush so she could vomit into it. As she did I ran over to her and held her hair back.

"Motion sickness" she said as she collapsed onto the grass.

"Well I'm not letting you die too, want some breakfast?" I asked.

She nodded "my purse is in the car"

I picked her up bridal style and put her into the car and I got in too.

"I thought we were getting breakfast?" She said

"Well I'm gonna have to go somewhere to get it aren't I?" I laughed. She nodded and I drove her to a local bakery.

The whole time she was texting someone.

"Who you texting?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Just Harry, he can't find the biscuits in the cupboard and Taylas sleeping" she said, her voice quite stiff.

"So, you and Harry?" I said raising my eyebrows at her

"What about us?" She said

"Are you guys....." I started

"No," she said quite sharply, I was taken back by the tone in her voice. "Sorry," she mumbled. "It's just a lot to take in,"

Her phone rang.

"Hello?... No... No... No... Tayla... Wake her... No.... Yes... Yeah, bye." She said, shooting back stiff one word answers.

"Who was that?"I asked as she hung up

"Harry..." She sighed, before glancing up from her phone "Gregs," she said, her voice perking up by the tiniest bit. She tried getting out of the car before trying to get out the car and falling to the floor.

I jumped out the car and helped her up

"You alright?"

She ran into Gregs without responding, like a mental case.

I ran after her.

"Woah! You know how to run!" I said.

I walked over to the cashier who looked quite happy to be working at 5 in the morning.

"I'll have a coffee, 3 cream do-nuts, a slice of pizza, a steak pastry, 2 sausage rolls, 2 yum yums and.... Jasmine you want anything...."

"Just a coffee and I don't know, any pastry," she mumbled before walking over to me and handing the lady a £10 note.

"No, I'm paying" I said and quickly put my card into the chip and pin reader

"That's £9.68... Oh" the bubbly cashier said.

I entered my pin and took the three bags of Greg's and 2 coffees to the closest table.

Jasmine came and sat down across me.

"I'm tired" she said before yawning.

Her phone rang.

"Hi... There's no need to call every 5 minutes.. I know, I'm sorry... Yeah... No... Yeah, bye," she mumbled into the phone.

"Oooooo....... Who was that?" I said like a little kid


We sat and ate for about 10 minutes, she ate faster than me, I was thinking she was an elegant young lady who takes her time and eats with a knife and fork, but who am I too judge?

"I won" she simply stated, a smirk on her face with crumbs all over it.

"Won what?" I said after swallowing the food in my mouth.

"I ate all my food first" she said simply while wiping the crumbs from her face.

"In my defence I had more food then you" I said after swallowing the last mouthful of food."you done?"

"Yeah, I guess, I mean I could drink my coffee here..." she started saying but all I heard was the first 3 words.

I dragged her by the arm out of gregs and into the car. I started the engine and drove down the road.

"Niall its still dark and you want to go in there?" She said pointing to what was in front of us. I nodded. "Are you tryna get us killed" I shook my head.

"Don't worry you'll be safe with your bestie" I said

"I hope you're sure" she replied

"Yep I am!" I said





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