Chapter 18

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"OH GOD! This stuff is cold and tastes nasty!" Niall said licking his lips and wiping some smoothie off if his cheek with his finger and sticking it into his mouth. "Actually. It's alright"

Tommy was sitting on his bed. His legs hanging off of the side. He was still in the same clothes that he left the house in. His pyjamas. I went and sat behind him cross legged and started pulling the porridge out of his hair and trying to get it all out. Then after I got most of it out I used the left over sticky-ness to style his brown hair into a quiff. That didn't stay in place. But oh well.

"Your turn Blondie. Come here!" I said shifting over and telling Niall to sit in front of me and next to Tommy. I got most off the strawberry smoothie out and fixed it into a quiff that didn't stay that well either but oh well.

"Your good at doing guys hair" Niall said, using his phone as a mirror.

"I've got experience" I said with a smile across my face

"Yeah. She's been doing my hair every morning for the past 5 years" Tommy said

"Yep!" I said.

"I might get you do too so my hair every morning too" Niall said

"One boys enough thanks" and as those words flew out of my mouth I regretted it. Niall and Tommy both couldn't stop laughing. "You guys are so dirty! You disgust me!" I said before stomping out off the room and bumping into yet another person and falling on my sore ass. Again.

And it was Adam. "Hi again Jasmine"

"Hi" I mumbled

"What's up?" He said

"Just running from those dirty minded pigs"

"Okay?" He said."come with?"

"Sure" I mumbled. We walked to the cafeteria which was on this floor.

"Did you want anything?" Adam asked

"Yeah. I'll just have a mocha frappè" I said. Adam ordered our drinks and paid for them after rejecting my offer of paying for them. I hate it when people do that. We went and sat down at a table.

"We've got a lot of catching up to do" he said

"You have no idea" I said. "When did you get so many tattoos?" I asked

"I've been getting them since I turned 16, I got the first on my 16th birthday and then I've been getting them since them."

"How many have you got all together?"


"Woah. I never thought of you as the tattoo type." I said

"I didn't think of myself as that type either. But you know people change"

"They sure do"

"A good change?" He asked

"Yeah. A good change" I said

"You haven't changed. Your still the same amazing Jasmine"

"The same Jasmine you left behind." I mumbled.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry about that"

"It's alright. I've got over it"


"Yeah. It only took 2 months worth of tears"


"Forget it. Whatever happened, happened. Right? Leave the past in the past"

"You're awesome"

"As I've been told"

"Anything interesting going on in your life?" Adam asked. 'Yeah actually. My parents and twin brother are dead because of me. And one of my best friends commit suicide and my soul mate tried to do the same then I bumped into my dick of an ex-boyfriend.' But obviously couldn't say that.

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