Chapter 17

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"Who are you?"



"Adam.Your ex-boyfriend?" I though back to when I was 13/15. Yeah this guy looked nothing like Adam but whatever.

"Oh hiya Adam. It's been so long" I said.

"I didn't know you moved to Portsmouth?" He asked

"I haven't. Still in London"

"So why..."

"Tommy." I said

"What about him?"

"He's here. Long story short, he almost died" Adam laughed.

"So how's your life been?"

"Meh." I said "yours?"

"Alright. I guess. What's been going on between you and Tommy?"

"Still the same. Best friends. Just like 4 years ago." I sighed and smiled "just like always" I said. "So you found yourself a girl?" I asked

"No actually."

"Me either." Adam burst out laughing. I turned bright red when I realised what I said "I meant I haven't found a guy. Not a girl. I don't date girls. I promise. I'm not a lesbian" I said

"I know what you meant. Um. I don't know... Could I get your number or.."

"Yeah sure" we exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes before I we walked away from each other. Stupid Adam. He abandoned me stupid Adam. But whatever. It's like the 2 years meant nothing to him. Like. Errrgh. We dated in secret and everything so Tommy wouldn't find out. Then Adam decided to move away. And decided to call me and tell me after he fucking moved there. Stupid asshole. Whatever. I always prayed I would never see him again. And then I did. But I have to say one thing. He hit puberty. God he looked different. A good different though. He had a few tattoos. A piercing or 2 and wow. But whatever. I don't want anything to do with him.

I finally found a lift and stepped in. I pushed the button for floor 2.

After about 10 years of waiting it finally opened at floor 2. I stepped out and found my way to room 7. Tommy and Niall were laughing and I just walked in and ruined It all with my bad mood.

"What's wrong?" Tommy asked

"Nothing" I said angrily. Great. Just great. Go on voice box and feelings just fuck it all up by making me sound angry

"Jasmine?" He said

"ADAM!" I shouted.

"Adam? That guy you dated for 2 years then he moved away?!"

"Yeah" I said under my breath

"What about him?" Tommy said. Usually whenever I spoke about boys I used to date in front of Tommy he would tense up or clench his fists. But today that wasn't happening. He was fine. Normal. I think that's a good thing?

"I just saw him again"

"And? What happened?"

"Nothing." I said "douche" I mumbled under my breath

"Jasmine. We should get going" Niall said

"I don't want to go yet." I whined "I want to stay here with my fudge face!" I said

"Okay.... That sounds weird but I guess it makes sense?"

"YAY! FUDGEFACE!" I said before I jumped onto Tommy and hugged him

"Are you guys always like this?" Niall asked

"I don't know. Are we?" I asked Tommy

"She's. Always like this." He said before laughing.

"Hey! Do you want me to mess up your hair!" I said

"No. No. Wait! My hairs not done anyway. So go ahead" he said

I picked up the bowl of porridge and dumped it on his head. Every bit of it. And the look on his face was priceless. I wiped a bit off of his cheek and tasted it.

"This porridge tastes quite good you know" I said before i started licking it off of his cheek. "Hmm.. It's needs more sugar." Tommy just sat there. His jaw hanging down. He obviously didn't know how to react, until I felt a cold sticky substance run down my back and in my hair and over my face. I looked over and looked at the porridge covered Tommy. "Wait" I said. I wiped some porridge away from his eyes. There. That was better. "Oh and.." I wiped some more off of his mouth.

"Why are you so awesome?" Cheesyness

"Because the porridge tastes nice. Turn your head I need to lick it off of the other cheek" he did as he was told and I licked all of the porridge off of his face while Niall just sat and laughed. "It's still in your hair" i said

"and there's orange juice in your hair."

"There's one thing missing."

"You thinking what Im thinking?" He said

"Yep" I said. Both of us smiling slyly. I picked up the strawberry smoothie and walked over to Niall. Who was texting on his phone. "Niall.. I love you" I said sweetly before dumping the entire chunky strawberry smoothie on his hair and it dripped and feel down his face.

"FUCK!" Niall said.

"There we go. We're perfect now." I said


Picture of Adam somewhere over here>>>

Thanks xx

Follow me on twitter @KevinMyBestie for update info.

<3 xx

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