Chapter 11

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(Please Excuse the bad grammar and mistakes.


P.S Tayla I found those stretchy purple things I had on my keys ;)

-J xx)

~Niall's P.O.V~

"Jasmine... Don't say that it was yo...." I was cut off.

"Don't say it was my fault!? Well its too late for that! IT WAS MY FAULT AND I CANT CHANGE THAT!" She started shouting her black hair sticking to her face because of the tears. "Niall you might aswell just leave me here to die" she quietly said falling back to lay down. "I'm not worth your time or energy"

Her phone rang.

"Hello?...... No I'm sorry" she said before hanging up and curling into a ball. I was just about to say something before my phone rang to.


"What the fuck Niall?!" Harrys voice shouted through the phone.


"Why the fuck is she saying she's not there! What the fuck did you do to her"

"Harry calm down its probably nothing" I heard Taylas voice come from the background.

"Harry trust me! Everythings fine! I'll explain when I get back"


I ended the call before any inappropriate language was used.

"Jasmine, please don't blame yourself... Don't apologise for something you didn't do..... Don't... You are worth my time... Very much actually....."

My phone rang again. While I was I the middle of my speech.

And unknown number.....

I picked up..... "Hello?"

"Hiya is this neil hoe ran"

"Niall Horan" I corrected.

"Sorry... I'm calling regarding Tommy"

I stood up from Jasmines side. "Yes?"

"He's in hospital... He's been hooked up to some machinery... He should wake up soon... He has heavy brain trauma, There's nothing we can do but wait... It shouldn't take more than a few hours or days"

"Ok, what is the name of your hospital again?" I asked.

"Portsmouth National Hospital" she said.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

The called ended. I turned around to tell Jasmine about how Tommy wasn't 'dead'.

"Jasmine..... Good news....!" She didn't respond

I went down by her side and rolled her over. She was either dead or sleeping or ignoring me.

Her chest was rising and fall. Ok let's cross out dead. There was no snoring. I slowly went to open her eyelids. But she hesitated.

"She lives!" I shouted!

She turned to face away from me. I picked her up bridal style. And took her to the car.

She didn't say anything the whole way back. She just sobbed into my shirt.

I checked the time as I got into my car. It would take about 2 hours to drive to portsmouth. So we would get there for 8. If I didn't leave now I would hit traffic. Was there anyway I could avoid London? Yes! I started up the car and went straight onto the motorway.

Jasmine was sobbing. I pulled up at hard shoulder on the motorway.


"Yeah" she whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"Niall, its just that, everythings eating me up. I've lost my parents. I've lost my twin brother. I think that's enough. Don't you? But then I lost Marcel. Now that's too much. But then I lost Tommy too. That's really bad, that's even more then too much, there's not a word to describe how bad that is... I can't cope anymore. Everyone calls me a suicidal bitch, or an attention seeker. They don't even know what's happened. I've only ever told Tommy, you and partly Tayla."

I sat there silently. Not knowing how to respond. I obviously don't know how she feels. I whipped out my phone and called the hospital.

"Hello. Portsmouth National Hospital. How may I help you?"

"Hiya, I'm calling regarding Tommy, I'm not sure of his surename. He was taken by an ambulance early this morning."

"Do you know of what state he is in"

"Heavy head trauma?" I simply stated. Jasmine looked up at me. Looking quite shocked.

"Oh yes. Tommy Jones. Can I ask why you are calling?"

"Can I ask what time visiting hours are?"

"Visiting hours are from 8am until 8pm. The patient may have 2 visitors in the room at one time, no more then that. Any other questions?"

"I wanted to visit today?"

"What time would you like to visit?"


"Is there at least one person over 18?"

"Yeah I'm 19"

"Ok I'll book you in. If you are late you can not visit"

"Ok... Thanks"

I ended the call and looked at Jasmine who was still in a state of shock.

"He's.. He's.. He's not..."

"No. He's not. We're going to visit him" I cut her off.

"Thanks Niall" she said simply, wiping her tears away.

"What for?"

"For everything" she said.

(Isn't Niall awesome ;) xx



P.S follow me on tumblr KevinMyBirdieBestie

-j xx)

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