Chapter 10

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A/n hiya guys :P


Didn't want to ruin the ending

Thanks -J <3 xxx

~Nialls P.O.V~

I got out of the car and went to the passenger side and opening the door for Jasmine, like the gentleman I am.

"Thanks," She said.

We walked over to the forest in front of us, the sun still wasn't rising but it was only about 5:30 in the morning. The sun in england usually doesn't rise so early anyway.

"Ummm... Niall? I'm scared" her lip quivered as she spoke. She had something against the dark which she hasn't told me. Well she has a lot she hasn't told me.

"As long as your with me you won't need to be scared. I'll protect you. I promise. A promise made by a best friend."

She still didn't look too confident, I didn't want to make her do something she would dread, but she didn't exactly hesitate so I wasn't doing anything wrong, was I?

We walked into the huge trees slowly, and quietly, this place was labelled as off limits but who cares, it would be quiet and we could just sit and talk with no interruption. Hopefully.

I pulled her into the middle of the forest hopping we would find out way out of it and wouldn't need Harry and Tayla to come and rescue us.

"Umm Niall..... Will we find our way back?" She whispered

"Yeah sure. I know this place like the back of my hand!" I lied. I didn't want her anymore scared then she already was. That wouldn't be good.

"Come and sit here!" I dragged her to an empty patch of grass and sat, gesturing for her to sit next to me.

She slowly sat next to me. Her phone vibrating in her pocket.

"Um.. Hello..." She started whispering. "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit cold...." I took my jacket of and put it over her "thanks" she whispered "I promise... Bye,"

"You ok?" I said

"Yeah I'm fine..."

"That's not what you said on the phone" I replied knowing she was lying. "Do you want to go home? I don't mind" I said

She shook her head. "I like it here, its quiet... I Can just think"

"Ok. Are you sure?" She nodded.

"I remember something like this... From when I was eight... I was here with my mum and dad.... And Josh" I sat quietly and listened as millions of questions flooded my mind.
"We were having picnic, for our eighth birthday... And me and Josh were playing hide seek.."

A smile appeared on her face... Not a big smile, but it was visible.

"And I hid first.... I ran all the way to the back of the forest and I saw a pond...."
She looked happy thinking about it.
"so I went around the pond and hid behind a bush, I heard josh coming.... He shouted 'Jasmine where are you' and I kind of shifted positions and Josh heard so he kind of ran towards me and fell in the pond..."
She started laughing as she spoke
"Which was actually quite deep... To a eight year old anyway... And he was pretty pissed off with me because I got his hair and outfit wet... To think of it he was quite vain from a young age..." She started laughing, then smiling before a tear slid down her cheek.

"I miss the times me and Josh could just run around and have fun... But I guess life goes never really appreciate what you have until it's gone"

I wanted to ask her what had happened to Josh, and who he exactly was... I had made out that he was probably her twin but I wasn't to sure...

"Ummmm....." I started

"You wanna know who Josh is? Don't you?" She said before smiling.

"Wow, your good" I said before nervously laughing.

"He was my twin..." She smiled, probably at happy memories. I hope so anyway.

"We would do everything together... We would even dress in the same colours where ever we went... We would always run around in the local forests and parks... But then we moved away from the countryside... Well we tried too... No one else actually did, only me. It was my fault. If only I didn't want to eat Gregs so badly maybe we could've been a happy family... I mean I'm better off dead now! I've already killed 3 of my family and 2 of my best friends! I deserve to be dead!".

"Jasmine!" I said firmly. "Don't you ever say you deserve to be dead! You don't! Your here right now, and you need to be here, your here for a reason, everything happens with a purpose behind it."

She sat and smiled before laughing "well I just had a wild idea"

"You thinking the same as me?"

"Yep!" She said popping the p

"HIDE AND SEEK!" We both shouted at the same time!

"Your counting first" she said before running off.

I stood up before dusting some soil off me. I looked ahead at the sun. It was rising. Well at least it wasn't pitch black anymore.

I counted to 100 in my head before shouting

"Jasmine I'm coming to eat your arm!"

I heard a scream coming from the back of the forest, my heart jumped out of my mouth.

I ran all the way to where the scream was coming from. I heard Jasmines voice. She was crying and speaking at once.

I saw her from in between the trees.

I stood behind a tree and watched, I didn't want to scare her or anything.

She was sat cross legged in front of a pond, her face buried into her hands. She was crying.

"What the fuck is wrong with me!" She looked up into the sky and shouted "Why the fuck do you hate me so much?!" She said still staring at the sky. "Fuck you!" She mumbled under her breath then she buried her face in her hands again.

"I know your there Niall..." She whispered

"Im sorry...." I started

"Don't worry, there's no need to be sorry... I should be sorry... Sorry I dragged you out to portsmouth.. Sorry I cry every five seconds.. Sorry! I'm a disaster.. I'm a mess... Why the fuck is it me! Why the fuck does everything in my life go wrong! WHY! I just can't go 24 hours without something happening, can I! One minute I find out my best friend Marcel committed suicide! Then I next I find out my bestest, best, best friend did the same! And then I come here and I'm meant to feel better but no! I start crying even more, why?! What the fuck! WHY ME! Why did I have to have a greggs addiction! Why did I force my parents to pull over, its my fault the car got hit by a truck! ITS MY FUCKING FAULT! Its my fault Josh is dead! Its my fault my mum is dead! Its my fault my dad is dead! Why does whoevers up there keep throwing more at me! WHY! why......." She screamed and shouted before whispering the last word. She was in tears..... "I'm broken, and I can't be fixed......."

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